I wonder if Al Gore regrets conceding without a fight.
I know why he did it, but I wanted him to fight so bad. I was age 21 in the year 2000 and absolutely raging. I saw that a fascism was happening but no one else did and I felt like I was taking crazy pills. I had the chance to ask Donna Brazile (Gore’s campaign manager) at a library event: why didn’t you fight? The Supreme Court says “stop counting votes” and y’all are ok with that?! I got to say: “Dems keep wondering why young people don’t vote, this is why. Even when we do, it doesn’t count.” I wonder if that landed or not. It’s more true than ever.
Al Gore on Extreme Heat and the Fight Against Fossil Fuels...
The past few weeks have him even more worried than usual.
- NY Times
#ClimateChange #algore #aninconvenienttruth
#DailyStream: I'm back! And just as the global-warming shit is hitting the fan. Rewatching 2006's #AnInconvenientTruth now is a reminder of our self-destructive inertia in the face of #ClimateCatastrophe; the film feels more urgent than ever. @Kanopy US, @ParamountPlusUK
#climatecatastrophe #aninconvenienttruth #dailystream
"Pettifogging." A word that may have died before its time, concisely describing as it does "can't see the forest for the trees."
We've revised our coverage of "An Inconvenient Truth" and its small warts. Al Gore may have leaned a little far over his skis-- formally speaking-- but with the addition of a decade and a half's research progress it's even harder to find serious fault than in 2007.
What do you think? Let us know at the link!
🌍 Really interesting retrospective on #AnInconvenientTruth, discussing how the media presents #ClimateScience and how that can impact policy today.
#climatescience #aninconvenienttruth
The biggest mistake modern Democrats ever made was in 2000 when Al Gore conceded to George W. Bush before Florida’s vote count was complete. It cemented undemocratic judicial overreach and seeded every piece of fascist fuckery we’ve got now. Gun violence, climate crisis, illegal wars, fall of SCOTUS, basic human rights. We were all in peril the moment Bush declared victory in an election he didn’t win. Sound familiar? #AnInconvenientTruth
Skeptoid #39: Heating Up to Global Warming by Brian Dunning #globalwarming #algore #aninconvenienttruth #sherylcrow #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot Why everyone needs to start taking global warming more seriously.
#globalwarming #algore #aninconvenienttruth #sherylcrow #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
Happy #SocialistSunday, my darlings.
Let's follow each other this fine day.
#thetruthshallsetusfree #aninconvenienttruth #freedomofthepress #nopresscensorship #freejulianassange #FreeAssangeNow #pressfreedom #FreeSpeech #freepress #socialistsunday
And Al Gore clearly felt that love. He became so relaxed and magnetic. Like he knew he was with his people.
The audience would laugh, clap, or even amen him - and Al Gore would banter back.
And hearing someone that knowledgeable and charismatic talk about something so personal to all of us was strangely cathartic. He made it feel like maybe we could do something. Like maybe there was hope.
I wish they had filmed it. It felt historic.
#TCMParty #AnInconvenientTruth
#aninconvenienttruth #TCMParty
I will never forget seeing Al Gore give this talk at Tulane not long after Katrina.
When he referenced Katrina at the beginning, the whole auditorium erupted in cheers for New Orleans. The vibe was like a revival. You could feel the love in the room - not just for the city but for Al Gore, for wanting to explain to us what we all knew was going on. No one there needed any convincing of anything.
#TCMParty #AnInconvenientTruth
#aninconvenienttruth #TCMParty
Rewatched #AnInconvenientTruth tonight for the first time since the powerful theatre showing over a decade ago. I don't know that I need to see the recent update - this still makes such a strong case for the severity of impact and human causes, and little is out of date, only perhaps understated given the new trajectories of inaction. U.S. and Al Gore centered, ok.
"Future generations may well have occasion to ask, what were our parents thinking? Why didn't they wake up when they had a chance?"