Among the wave of retrospective accounts set to come out that year, 2016, was a… film dramatically recounting #AnitaHill’s #SexualHarassment allegations.
That spring, a flurry of op eds defending #Thomas & railing against the film appeared in news outlets, penned by a DC atty who had worked in the George H.W. Bush WH during the confirmation. Websites celebrating Thomas’s career — & attacking his onetime accuser — popped up.
#JudicialActivism #LeonardLeo #FederalistSociety #DarkMoney #SCOTUS
#anitahill #sexualharassment #thomas #judicialactivism #leonardleo #federalistsociety #darkmoney #scotus
“Several Horatio Alger friends also helped finance the marketing of a hagiographic documentary about #ClarenceThomas in the wake of an HBO film that had resurfaced #AnitaHill’s #SexualHarassment allegations against him during his confirmation.
#Whitewashing #SexualHarassment #AnitaHill #BelieveSurvivors #StrangeJustice #WomensRights #HumanRights #SCOTUS #Privilege #Power #Law #Greed
#clarencethomas #anitahill #sexualharassment #whitewashing #believesurvivors #strangejustice #womensrights #humanrights #scotus #privilege #power #law #greed
“On Oct. 15, 1991, #ClarenceThomas secured his seat on the #SupremeCourt, a narrow victory after a bruising confirmation fight that left him isolated & disillusioned.”
(Ahem, old enough to remember that it was women who were the ones left feeling “isolated & disillusioned” post the Clarence Thomas confirmation.)
#SexualHarassment #SecondClassCitizens #AnitaHill #BelieveSurvivors #StrangeJustice #WomensRights #HumanRights
#HoratioAlgerAssociation #SCOTUS #Privilege #Power #Justice #Law
#clarencethomas #supremecourt #sexualharassment #secondclasscitizens #anitahill #believesurvivors #strangejustice #womensrights #humanrights #horatioalgerassociation #scotus #privilege #power #justice #law
Anyone surprised that #ClarenceThomas ie "Un. T.POS" criticized a black female justice who disagreed with him?
He abused her just like he abused #AnitaHill decades ago.....I cannot STAND that horrible human!
#clarencethomas #anitahill #fukclarencethomas
I Worked With Anita Hill to Fight Clarence Thomas’ Confirmation. Our Worst Fears Came True.
A leading scholar on critical race theory takes a look back at Clarence Thomas’ confirmation hearing — and how that set the stage for the unraveling of affirmative action today.
Most of them. Same can be applied to most in Congress. But broke has its shades. #ClarenceThomas was a GS-13 when he was discovered by Bush1. When he was appointed to the #SCOTUS he had NO legal scholarship under his belt. Not even one stellar splinter coming out of the EEOC at a time when AA was all over the courts under EO 11246 or DOE. He was too busy harassing #AnitaHill. He was Negro broke, understanding that he wasn't a Black man.
#anitahill #SCOTUS #clarencethomas
#JusticeThomas must resign for blatant, knowing, corruption. #AnitaHill warned us! #JusticeRoberts must resign for endorsing and allowing massive corruption on the court under his watch. #JusticeBarrett must resign for blatant lying during her confirmation. #JusticeKavanaugh must explain who paid off his massive debts, and if corruption is shown, resign.1/2 #Politics
#justicethomas #anitahill #justiceroberts #justicebarrett #justicekavanaugh #politics
#ClarenceThomas is Corrupt to the Core, and We should have Listened to #AnitaHill
#JusticeThomas must resign for blatant, knowing, corruption. #AnitaHill warned us! #JusticeRoberts must resign for endorsing and allowing massive corruption on the court under his watch. #JusticeBarrett must resign for blatant lying during her confirmation. #JusticeKavanaugh must explain who paid off his massive debts, 1/2
#justicethomas #anitahill #justiceroberts #justicebarrett #justicekavanaugh
When Women Speak, Listen
Had people simply LISTENED to these two women — Anita Hill and Hillary Clinton — and TRUSTED them, our democracy and its judicial system wouldn’t be the shit shows that they are today, in great part, due to the self-serving misdeeds of morally bankrupt Clarence Thomas and Donald J. Trump.
#ClarenceTrump #AnitaHill #DonaldTrump #HillaryClinton #WhenWomenSpeakListen
#whenwomenspeaklisten #hillaryclinton #DonaldTrump #anitahill #clarencetrump
I still believe every word that #AnitaHill said about the Despicable Dishonorable UnJustice #ClarenceThomas. #Politics
#anitahill #clarencethomas #politics
Justice Clarence Thomas:
Remember way back, when — like the crass cur you are — you asked Anita Hill, “Who has put pubic hair on my Coke?”
I’ve been reading and watching the news lately, and I’ve figured out where that pubic hair on your can of Coke came from. It was Harlan Crow’s. Yeah, I know: you knew that before you even asked Ms. Hill. Shame on you.
#ClarenceThomas #HarlanCrow #SCOTUS #AnitaHill #ClarenceThomasResignNow
#clarencethomasresignnow #anitahill #SCOTUS #harlancrow #clarencethomas
I think about #AnitaHill a fair amount, especially now. But also, I used to dog walk by her former house every day. She was right, and I still get really angry thinking about how she was treated.
"One of the oddest episodes I remember was an occasion in which Thomas was drinking a Coke in his office, he got up from the table at which we were working, went over to his desk to get the Coke, looked at the can and asked, 'Who has put pubic hair on my Coke?'"
~ Anita Hill,
to the Senate Judiciary Committee
re Clarence Thomas
Clarence Thomas is the “pubic hair” on the “Coke can” of American jurisprudence.
#ClarenceThomas #SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #AnitaHill
#anitahill #SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #clarencethomas
@DaveRussell Those of us who knew Clarence Thomas was a scumbag during his confirmation hearings in the early 90's (#AnitaHill) are now vindicated.