Se vos deu mágoa que #AnitaSarkeesian decidise pechar totalmente a súa #FeministFrequency, sabede que desde outubro de 2022 está a publicar a súa serie nova, na que analiza momentos polarizantes da Historia recente dos EUA, en #Nebula:
#anitasarkeesian #feministfrequency #nebula
You have to hope someday that we can build a social media where something like feminist frequency can do it's work in a more moderated environment without having take the daily full force of the world's misogyny
I don't know what that looks like and maybe I'm being naive but I'm hoping the fediverse is a step in that direction
#feministfrequency #anitasarkeesian #videogames #gamedev #gaming #news #fediverse
#FeministFrequency #anitasarkeesian #videogames #gamedev #gaming #news #fediverse
Feminist Frequency shutting down (the podcast is still continuing though fortunately) is a real loss but also a totally understandable personal choice
🫡 Absolute respect to Anita Sarkeesian for all the work she has done to make the industry a better place and rightly hold the games we make to account
I hope whatever she does next is a success and takes less of toll
#feministfrequency #anitasarkeesian #videogames #gamedev #gaming #news
#FeministFrequency #anitasarkeesian #videogames #gamedev #gaming #news
Kotaku: Anita Sarkeesian Shutters Feminist Frequency, Operations To Cease In Early 2024 #gaming #tech #kotaku #tropesvswomeninvideogames #womenandvideogames #thirdwavefeminism #sexualharassment #anitasarkeesian #historyvswomen #feminism #katspada
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #tropesvswomeninvideogames #womenandvideogames #ThirdWaveFeminism #sexualharassment #anitasarkeesian #historyvswomen #feminism #katspada
La pillola rossa dell’alt-right – 3 #Lapillolarossadell’alt-right #declinodellaciviltàbianca #progressismoidentitario #difesadellarazzabianca #celibatoinvolontario #rivoluzionesessuale #gerarchiasessuale #Multiculturalismo #alternativeright #MiloYiannopoulos #AndrewBreitbart #AnitaSarkeesian #JamesC.Weidmann #sottocultureweb #antifemminismo #GioacchinoToni #PabloCalzeroni #RichardSpencer #controcultura #establishment
#Lapillolarossadell #declinodellaciviltàbianca #progressismoidentitario #difesadellarazzabianca #celibatoinvolontario #rivoluzionesessuale #gerarchiasessuale #multiculturalismo #alternativeright #miloyiannopoulos #andrewbreitbart #anitasarkeesian #jamesc #sottocultureweb #antifemminismo #gioacchinotoni #PabloCalzeroni #richardspencer #controcultura #establishment
Kotaku: Final Fantasy XVI’s Jill Should Be More Than Pretty #gaming #tech #kotaku #patriciahernandez #anitasarkeesian #childrensmanga #residentevil4 #yukoyamaguchi #jillwarrick #squareenix #hellokitty #maryoliver #jillkoch #ashley #kotaku #sanrio #clive #peach #jill #i
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #patriciahernandez #anitasarkeesian #childrensmanga #residentevil4 #yukoyamaguchi #jillwarrick #squareenix #hellokitty #maryoliver #jillkoch #ashley #sanrio #clive #peach #jill #i
Kotaku: Video Game Conventions Are Still Hotbeds Of Sexualized Abuse #gaming #tech #kotaku #woundedwarriorproject #gamergatecontroversy #comicbookconvention #womenandvideogames #marieclaireisaaman #sexualharassment #gamingconvention #videogameculture #anitasarkeesian #noelsteslicki #eirkrobertson #mandycaruso #nerdculture #quinmartin #jacobriis #tinybuild #laracroft #lisaemard #gamergate #marysue #afkroom #culture
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #woundedwarriorproject #gamergatecontroversy #comicbookconvention #womenandvideogames #marieclaireisaaman #sexualharassment #gamingconvention #videogameculture #anitasarkeesian #noelsteslicki #eirkrobertson #mandycaruso #nerdculture #quinmartin #jacobriis #tinybuild #laracroft #lisaemard #gamergate #marysue #afkroom #Culture
Kotaku: Brigitte Shows Overwatch 2 Still Doesn’t Fully Get Body Diversity #gaming #tech #kotaku #multiplayeronlinegames #transmediastorytelling #multiplayervideogames #videogamecharacters #fictionalcharacters #anshumanidasshetty #anitasarkeesian #brendanfraser #blizzardgames #michaelhobbes #windowsgames #caitlingeier #staceyhenley #virgietovar #toddharper #trunchbull #reinhardt #brigitte #torbjorn #fiction #jabba
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #multiplayeronlinegames #transmediastorytelling #multiplayervideogames #videogamecharacters #fictionalcharacters #anshumanidasshetty #anitasarkeesian #brendanfraser #blizzardgames #michaelhobbes #windowsgames #caitlingeier #staceyhenley #virgietovar #toddharper #trunchbull #reinhardt #brigitte #torbjorn #fiction #jabba
I’ve revisited #AnitaSarkeesian’s #TropesVSWomen.
Shocking how accurate & balanced it still is, 14 years later.
#anitasarkeesian #tropesvswomen #anitadeservesanapology #misogyny #sexism #games
I hate her. Not like I hate MarzGurl or Zoe Quinn. I hate her on a cellular level. At night, I’m unable to sleep as I lie there, grinding my teeth and dreaming of the day when she is made to parade naked through the streets of every town in America while the crowds chant, ‘Shame!’ and throw lumps of excrement at her.
#anitasarkeesian #gamergate #feministfrequency #itsagundam #thattimewhen
#anitasarkeesian #gamergate #feministfrequency #itsagundam #thattimewhen
Anita Sarkeesian granted money to ruin the entertainment industry with woke feminazi bs since 2011 because her content was shit since 2010. #gamergate #anitasarkeesian #GetWokeGoBroke #Wokeyleaks #wokeisracism
#gamergate #anitasarkeesian #getwokegobroke #Wokeyleaks #wokeisracism
Auch Mandolarianerinnen haben Brüste
Die in entsprechenden Kreisen reichenweitenstarke amerikanische Feministin Anita Sarkeesian („Feminist Frequency“) kritisiert in einem Tweet die Serie „Mandalorian“, weil die Rüstungen der Mandolarianerinnen anatomische Ausbuchtungen für Brüste haben. […]
#anitasarkeesian #feminismus #mandalorian #gesellschaft
There goes Anita being the stupid person that she always is.
#anitasarkeesian #themandalorian #femalearmor #shutupanita
#anitasarkeesian #themandalorian #femalearmor #shutupanita
Hey, Anita! I have an idea! Can you go away to a faraway place where no one will ever hear your bullcrap again?!?
#GamerGate #AnitaSarkeesian #Ethics #Feminism #Deplatforming
#gamergate #anitasarkeesian #ethics #feminism #deplatforming
With Feminist Frequency having gone broke, outrage broker and sociopolitical grifter, Anita Sarkeesian, decided to take aim at Jon Favreau's Disney+ series, The Mandalorian. She originally claimed that there were no female speaking parts in the first episode, but then thousands of people attempted to correct her and she called it harassment.
#AnitaSarkeesian #DisneyPlus #FeministFrequency #TheMandalorian #LiterallyWho
#anitasarkeesian #disneyplus #feministfrequency #themandalorian #LiterallyWho
New Video! Hilarious #GetWokeGoBroke News! The Attempted Extortion Of Cyberpunk 2077 By Anita Sarkeesian Brings To Light That Her Company, Feminist Frequency Is TOTALLY BROKE! Bring On The Crab Memes & Let's Celebrate By Laughing, Liking & Sharing! #videogames #sjws #anitasarkeesian
#getwokegobroke #videogames #sjws #anitasarkeesian