#Photo #AnnaBSavage @annabsavage @Laboulenoire @Paris 2023-04-21 https://www.photosconcerts.com/anna-b-savage-paris-boule-noire-2023-04-21-15024 @vedettesbooking @CitySlangFrance #PhotosConcerts #RobertGil
#photo #annabsavage #photosconcerts #robertgil
Listening right now:
Anna B Savage - in|FLUX
For me already on the list of the best albums of 2023
Caroline Polachek serviert opulenten Zucker-Pop, Kelela lädt unaufdringlich zum Tanzen ein und Kae Tempest bleibt am liebsten im Bett. Außerdem: Musiker*innen rufen zum Spenden für die Erdbebenopfer in der Türkei und Syrien auf. Das und mehr in unserem Musik-Update Keine Angst vor Hits.
#AnnaBSavage #CarolinePolachek #Feist #KaeTempest #KeineAngstVorHits #Kelela #LanaDelRey
#annabsavage #carolinepolachek #feist #kaetempest #keineangstvorhits #kelela #lanadelrey
Happy New Anna B Savage Day to those that celebrate.
#annabsavage #newmusic #newmusicfriday
In case anyone has any doubts about Anna B Savage's latest release, I recommend listening to Marc Riley's programme. Impressive live performance.
In case anyone has any doubts about Anna B Savage's latest release, I recommend listening to Marc Riley's programme. Impressive live performance.
Holy shit, what a release! I listened to the new Anna B Savage EP. Four songs for 16 minutes of anxiety, musical aesthetics and desires.
Four songs. 16 Minutes. At the moment already on my list as AOTY
Holy shit, what a release! I listened to the new Anna B Savage EP. Four songs for 16 minutes of anxiety, musical aesthetics and desires.
Four songs. 16 Minutes. At the moment already on my list as AOTY
One to watch: Anna B Savage
This Dublin-based Londoner with a striking voice and lyrics to match is on a ‘journey of therapy’
Way ahead of you on that one Graun! Excited for the new one on the way!
Loving this new track, Crown Shyness, from Anna B. Savage.
No real connection other than the title, and perhaps the tone, but particularly recommended for any fans of the latest Monk and Robot novella, A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers - and vice versa for any Anna B. Savage fans!
#AnnaBSavage #CrownShyness #BeckyChambers #MonkAndRobot #APrayerForTheCrownShy
#aprayerforthecrownshy #monkandrobot #beckychambers #crownshyness #annabsavage
Scopri questo album su TIDAL: "Crown Shyness" di Anna B Savage https://tidal.com/album/266646021
Artista che consiglio di tenere d'occhio, che personalmente adoro ❤️
A new track from Anna B Savage will make a fine Song of the Day.
Looking forward to the full album!
Morning sullen listening