I guess that if #AnnaChapman or another Russian hotie spy had asked me on her knees,
I think I would have thought about telling her everything she wanted to know.
Something like this is only seen once in a lifetime sorta #TheSpyWhoLovedMe but for real
but the German BND double agent did it for money:
some EUR 400,000 of Putin's cash
#annachapman #thespywholovedme
#AnnaChapman wore #AgentProvocateur in #Maxim photo session.
It is a british luxury lingerie brand that also provides swimwear and underwear for brides.
In the years of Anna Chapman's photo session #AgentProvocateur had interesting models but now not so much.
On the other side, #AgentProvocateur do not sell too much in #Spain
Spanish women are quite classic -boring- in terms of their #lingerie and I suppose that #CNI -spanish intelligence- would outsource our female spy service.
#spain #lingerie #cni #annachapman #agentprovocateur #maxim
#AnnaChapman was daughter of a #KGB official
In 2009 #Chapman,a twenty-something russian hootie was running a real state bizz led to foreign investors as cover-up
In 2010,counterintelligence of #FBI arrested #Chapman and 9 other people from Illegals program
Allegedly #AlanPatricof, #HillaryClinton's money man, was approached by another woman of this Russian #SpyRing
#CIA had information about illegal program of #Russia through a top #SVR official -foreign intelligence-
Wow... impressive...eyes 😜
#annachapman #kgb #fbi #chapman #alanpatricof #hillaryclinton #cia #spyring #russia #svr
Passend dazu: https://focus.de/politik/ausland/anna-chapman-putins-agentin-00sex-macht-auf-journalistin-und-betreibt-propaganda_id_183928690.html Die 🇷🇺 Ex-Spionin #AnnaChapman hat einen Kreml-Propagandastreifen mit #LianeKilinc(‼️) und #KenJebsen produziert.
Die #Putinzäpfchen gehen aufs Ganze 💩
#annachapman #lianekilinc #kenjebsen #putinzapfchen