Apr 24, 2023 - Day 114 - NewPlay Bonus Review
Total NewPlays: 127
Game: Anna's Quest
Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: Jul 3, 2015
Library Date: May 14, 2019
Unplayed: 1441d (3y11m10d)
Playtime: 78m
I opened Anna's Quest to find that it was yet another point-and-click adventure. 78 minutes later I closed it, somewhat confused at how I'd lost 78 minutes on a point-and-click adventure.
You play as the titular Anna. Living deep in the forest with your grandfather, one day he becomes deeply ill, yet still expressly forbids you to enter the forest.
Upon leaving, you're kidnapped by a wicked witch, and imprisoned in a tower, and that's when things get weird.
It turns out that Anna is unaware that she's telekinetic, but the witch somehow knew, and wants her telekinetic gift.
The humour in the game is quirky, and seems almost childlike, the puzzles indicate that this is not a game targeted at kids. They are your usual "use X with Y" puzzle, but I'm not sure kids are going to think "If you cut that rubber ball in half, it will make a perfect insulator for that electric buzzing thing"
The game has my interest piqued, and I look forward to seeing exactly why and how Anna ended up with telekinesis.
Anna's Quest is, surprisingly:
4: Good
#AnnasQuest #PointAndClick #Adventure #MastodonGaming #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay
#annasquest #pointandclick #adventure #mastodongaming #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay
Heute begeben wir uns im letzten (?) Kapitel von Anna's Quest in die Vergangenheit und verfolgen Winfrieds Werdegang. ☺️
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#annasquest #daedalic #videospiele #spiele #videogames #gaming #games #streamer #stream #twitch #twitchde
In Anna's Quest müssen wir uns heute als Blumenmädchen verkleiden, um eine Hochzeit zu vereiteln - dafür müssen wir der Prinzessin aber ihren gläsernen Schuh abluchsen... 🤔
#TwitchDe #Twitch #Stream #Streamer #Games #Gaming #Videogames #Spiele #Videospiele #Daedalic #AnnasQuest
#annasquest #daedalic #videospiele #spiele #videogames #gaming #games #streamer #stream #twitch #twitchde
Heute müssen wir uns in Anna's Quest aus der Bürokratiehölle mogeln. 😈
#TwitchDe #Twitch #Stream #Streamer #Games #Gaming #Videogames #Spiele #Videospiele #Daedalic #AnnasQuest
#annasquest #daedalic #videospiele #spiele #videogames #gaming #games #streamer #stream #twitch #twitchde
Zuletzt sind wir in Anna's Quest auf einem Drachen geflogen und einem seltsamen Bergbewohner begegnet. Können wir heute wohl das Kapitel abschließen oder scheitern wir an der störrischen Hexe? 🤔
#TwitchDe #Twitch #Stream #Streamer #Games #Gaming #Videogames #Spiele #Videospiele #Daedalic #AnnasQuest
#annasquest #daedalic #videospiele #spiele #videogames #gaming #games #streamer #stream #twitch #twitchde
Zuletzt sind wir in Anna's Quest in der Mühle der Hexe eingebrochen, die unser Zauberbuch... äh... im Tausch erworben hat. Können wir es wohl ohne großen Schaden zurück holen? 🤔
#TwitchDe #Twitch #Stream #Streamer #Games #Gaming #Videogames #Spiele #Videospiele #Daedalic #AnnasQuest
#annasquest #daedalic #videospiele #spiele #videogames #gaming #games #streamer #stream #twitch #twitchde
Heute gehen wir in Anna's Quest wieder Hexen ärgern. 😈
#TwitchDe #Twitch #Stream #Streamer #Games #Gaming #Videogames #Spiele #Videospiele #Daedalic #AnnasQuest
#annasquest #daedalic #videospiele #spiele #videogames #gaming #games #streamer #stream #twitch #twitchde
Endlich mal was Neues: Nachdem wir endlich in Gravity Rush 2 die Platin-trophäe errungen haben, fangen wir heute das Point-and-Click-Adventure Anna's Quest an. ☺️
#TwitchDE #Twitch #Stream #Streamer #AnnasQuest #Games #Gaming #spiele #Videogames #Videospiele #Playstation4 #PointnClick #PointAndClick
#pointandclick #pointnclick #playstation4 #videospiele #videogames #spiele #gaming #games #annasquest #streamer #stream #twitch #twitchde
C-Team hanging out with their new friend
#loli #anna #carol #hatgirl #beebz #annasquest #onirism #ahatintime #demonturf #topless
#loli #anna #carol #hatgirl #beebz #annasquest #onirism #ahatintime #DemonTurf #topless
#GamesIPlayed #AnnasQuest #DaedalicEntertainment #Anna #AdventureGames #PointandClick #DaneKrams
The 23rd game I played on my Youtube channel I have yet to revisit it on my #Twitch channel I don't know if I will or not.
#twitch #danekrams #pointandclick #adventuregames #anna #daedalicentertainment #annasquest #GamesIPlayed