Was taugt die Serienumsetzung eines der erfolgreichsten PlayStation Spiele und hat man mehr Spaß mit der Serie wenn man das Spiel kennt? @macsnider spricht zusammen mit @rstockm, @vanilla_chief, @Eric_S und @Businessbirthe über die #TheLastOfUs Serie.
#SerienPodcast #PedroPascal #BellaRamsey #StormReid #AnnaTorv #MelanieLynskey
#thelastofus #serienpodcast #pedropascal #bellaramsey #stormreid #annatorv #melanielynskey
Kotaku: Please, MTV, Do Not Honor The Last Of Us' Gross Zombie Kiss https://kotaku.com/the-last-of-us-mtv-movie-awards-best-kiss-get-fucked-1850305766 #gaming #tech #kotaku #televisionintheunitedstates #entertainment2cculture #mtvmovie26tvawards #themtvmovieawards #philipprajoux #humaninterest #austengoslin #television #annatorv #cheetos #awards #frank #riley #bill #tess #mtv
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #televisionintheunitedstates #entertainment2cculture #mtvmovie26tvawards #themtvmovieawards #philipprajoux #humaninterest #austengoslin #television #annatorv #cheetos #Awards #frank #riley #bill #tess #mtv
The performances in The Last of Us are phenomenal. Anna Torv in particular is excellent as Tess, and unrecognizable from her role in Mindhunter (more because of her performance than makeup and costume). I only realized she was in Mindhunter when I looked up her IMDB profile!
#thelastofus #annatorv #Mindhunter
Now that #AnnaTorv's great work on #TheLastOfUs is encouraging some folks to (re)discover the brilliant series #Fringe, I'm reminded what a delight and joy it was to contribute the essay "In Search of Fringe's Literary Ancestors" to Kevin R. Grazier's anthology about the show, Fringe Science: Parallel Universes, White Tulips, and Mad Scientists. #ScienceFiction #TV #Books #GenreHistory
#annatorv #thelastofus #fringe #sciencefiction #tv #books #genrehistory
Kotaku: HBO’s The Last Of Us Does Tess Dirty https://kotaku.com/hbo-last-of-us-tess-anna-torv-episode-two-death-kiss-1850018175 #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #playstation3 #craigmazin #annatorv #robert #fedra #frank #ellie #tess #joel #bill #hbo
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #playstation3 #craigmazin #annatorv #robert #fedra #frank #ellie #tess #joel #bill #hbo
Kotaku: The Last Of Us' Second Episode Ends In Tragedy https://kotaku.com/last-of-us-tlou-hbo-tess-kiss-death-s1e2-recap-joel-1850017283 #gaming #tech #kotaku #fictionalcharacters #benjaminfranklin #merriamwebster #neildruckmann #grandmaadler #tessepisode #television #joeldexter #iburatna #annatorv #franklin #robert #sarah #frank #tommy #bill #tess #joel #hbo
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #fictionalcharacters #benjaminfranklin #merriamwebster #neildruckmann #grandmaadler #tessepisode #television #joeldexter #iburatna #annatorv #franklin #robert #sarah #frank #Tommy #bill #tess #joel #hbo
Agent Dunham!
It took me two episodes, buy I knew I had seen "Tess" somewhere else before.
The Last Of Us - 01.01
"When you're lost in the darkness"
Twenty years after a fungal outbreak ravaged the planet, survivors Joel and Ellie are tasked with a mission that could change everything.
The premiere of #TheLastOfUs couldn't have been better. All the elements of action, drama, and suspense are so well dosed that the first episode's 81 minutes fly by. We haven't seen a premiere this good since The Walking Dead premiered more than a decade ago.
#thelastofus #pedropascal #bellaramsey #annatorv
THE LAST OF US: Season 1, Episode 2: Infected Trailer; In The Weeks Ahead Promo [HBO]
#FilmBook #TVShowTrailer #AnnaTorv #AshleyJohnson #BellaRamsey #ConO’Neill #GabrielLuna #HBO #HBOMax #JeffreyPierce #MerleDandridge #MurrayBartlett #NickOfferman #NicoParker #PedroPascal #ScienceFiction #TheLastofUs #TroyBaker #TVShowTrailer
#filmbook #tvshowtrailer #annatorv #ashleyjohnson #bellaramsey #cono #gabrielluna #hbo #hbomax #jeffreypierce #merledandridge #murraybartlett #nickofferman #nicoparker #pedropascal #sciencefiction #thelastofus #troybaker
Kotaku: The Last Of Us' Famous Intro Is Handled So Much Better In The TV Show https://kotaku.com/the-last-of-us-hbo-tv-show-ps5-game-remake-episode-1849995987 #gaming #tech #kotaku #controversiesandcriticismsofthevoiceofthephilippines #theandromedastrain #leahwilliamson #pedropascal #annatorv #fridging #jericho #baker #sarah #tess #joel
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #controversiesandcriticismsofthevoiceofthephilippines #theandromedastrain #leahwilliamson #pedropascal #annatorv #fridging #jericho #baker #sarah #tess #joel
Kotaku: The Last Of Us Episode One Recap: Taking A Ride https://kotaku.com/the-last-of-us-hbo-episode-one-recap-review-joel-ellie-1849991813 #gaming #tech #kotaku #marlenemerledandridge #videogamecharacters #tommygabrielluna #sarahnicoparker #joelpedropascal #clinteastwood #neildruckmann #halicandrops #grandmaadler #thelastofus #pedropascal #videogaming #schoenheiss #georgewbush #cheguevara #craigmazin #videogames #johnhannah #joeldexter #annatorv #marlene #robert #newman #sarah #frank #ellie
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #marlenemerledandridge #videogamecharacters #tommygabrielluna #sarahnicoparker #joelpedropascal #ClintEastwood #neildruckmann #halicandrops #grandmaadler #thelastofus #pedropascal #videogaming #schoenheiss #georgewbush #cheguevara #craigmazin #videogames #johnhannah #joeldexter #annatorv #marlene #robert #newman #sarah #frank #ellie
Truly enjoyed #thelastofus tonight—not least of all because it was shot in my home province, and close to where I was born. But #pedropascal, #annatorv and #bellaramsey were great. Looking forward to the next episode.
#thelastofus #pedropascal #annatorv #bellaramsey
Acabo de enterarme que la serie de #TheLastOfUs cuenta con #AnnaTorv y ahora mis ganas de verla han subido exponencialmente...
So I’ve recently started rewatching #Fringe and I’d forgotten just how amazingly fun this series was…plus, #AnnaTorv, #JasikaNicole and #JoshuaJackson!
#fringe #annatorv #jasikanicole #joshuajackson
#TheXFiles is near the top of my list, but #TrueDetectiveSeason1 is total comfort viewing.
For fun, #BuffyTheVampireSlayer especially season 6!! #OnceMoreWithFeeling :D
Also, #BobsBurgers is pretty much just on loop in my house; and when we get bored, #Archer.
#TheOutsider, #CabinetOfCuriosities, #Fringe! Love Fringe!
Then there’s #MindHunter (yes, #AnnaTorv is the bees knees). I’m sure I’ve forgotten some, but these are all the “biggies”.
#thexfiles #TrueDetectiveSeason1 #buffythevampireslayer #OnceMoreWithFeeling #bobsburgers #archer #theoutsider #cabinetofcuriosities #fringe #mindhunter #annatorv
Mais elle est pas possible cette actrice comment elle fait pour ne pas avoir la même diction selon les personnages qu'elle joue 😮 !?
Enfin du coup c'est confirmé elle avait bien une diction bizarre dans Fringe j'ai pas rêvé.