Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Claudia Conway, Daughter of Kellyanne, Finds 'Freedom' As a Playboy Content Creator #Jezebel #donaldtrump2016presidentialcampaign #americantelevisionseries #entertainment2cculture #kellyanneconway #jonathanmajors #theplayboyclub #claudiaconway #alisonbechdel #kimkardashian #georgeconway #barackobama #donaldtrump #periodicals #lynnspears #tinaturner #anneconway
#jezebel #donaldtrump2016presidentialcampaign #americantelevisionseries #entertainment2cculture #kellyanneconway #jonathanmajors #theplayboyclub #claudiaconway #alisonbechdel #KimKardashian #georgeconway #barackobama #donaldtrump #periodicals #lynnspears #tinaturner #anneconway
something brief on Anne Conway and British early modernity in ‘the longue durée’
#blog #JustinSledge #LadyAnneConway #AnneConway #RenéDescartes #FrancisMercuryVanHelmont #rationalism #vitalism
#blog #justinsledge #ladyanneconway #anneconway #renedescartes #francismercuryvanhelmont #rationalism #vitalism
Anne Finch was born #OTD 1631. She was married to Edward Conway, later (in 1755) the 3rd Viscount Conway (English) and 3rd Viscount Killultagh (Irish).
#AnneConway was never in Ireland but she had Irish connections: she corresponded with philosophers #RobertBoyle and #DorothyMoore (and possibly #LadyRanelagh).
She also knew #JeremyTaylor. Her husband brought Taylor to Portmore Co. Antrim in 1658, probably to protect him.
#otd #anneconway #robertboyle #dorothymoore #ladyranelagh #jeremytaylor #IrishPhilosophyOTD