I don't want followers, but friends, admirers who fall not for a flattering smile but for what one does and for one's character.
I know quite well that the circle around me would be much smaller. But what does that matter, as long as one still keeps a few sincere friends?
#AnneFrank (1929-1945) in a letter to her diary dated 7 March 1944. AF was 14 years old at the time, she died about a year later.
Am 3. September 1944 wurden Anne Frank und Familie von den Nazis nach Auschwitz deportiert. Sie war nicht mehr und nicht weniger als ein talentiertes, junges Mädchen, dem die Zukunft geraubt wurde. Eine unter vielen.
On 3 September 1944, Anne Frank and her family were deported to Auschwitz by the Nazis. She was nothing more and nothing less than a talented young girl who was robbed of her future. One amongst many.
#annefrank #rip #wehretdenanfangen #resistthebeginnings
Y ahora hay una exposición temporal detallando más sobre la experiencia de #AnneFrank oculta en los Países Bajos relatada en su diario....
Wenn man noch Glück und Arbeit für sich definiert, dann ist da viel Wahres dran. #annefrank
Affiche voor een film over #AnneFrank, #Osaka, Ed van der Elsken, 1960
#annefrank #osaka #fotografie #photography #edvanderelsken
Just so sad to think of all this, and how not enough about human society has changed, still:
#annefrank #hannahpickgoslar #holocaust
“I can shake off everything as I #write; my sorrows disappear, my #courage is reborn."
— #AnneFrank
Heute (#otd) vor 79 Jahren macht #AnneFrank den letzten Eintrag in ihr Tagebuch. Vier Tage später wurde sie und ihre Familie, sowie die Familie van Pels und Fritz Pfeffer in ihrem Versteck verhaftet. Bis auf ihren Vater starben alle Versteckten in Konzentrationslagern. Ihr Tagebuch gilt als ein historisches Dokument aus der Zeit des Holocausts und sie als Symbolfigur gegen die Unmenschlichkeit des Völkermordes in der Zeit von Nazi-Deutschlands. In #Stendal erinnert eine Straße an Anne Frank. 🎗️
Anne Frank’s diary last entry was written 78 years ago today, on Tuesday, August 1, 1944. She died at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in February or March, 1945.
#shoah #holocaust #annefrank #amsterdam #bergenbelsen
Die Regierung plant ja eure #Gesundheitsdaten, also das, was ihr eurem Arzt anvertraut habt, zentral zu speichern und an 3. weiterzugeben. Aus der Geschichte wissen wir, dass das ne super Idee ist, sonst würde #AnneFrank heute noch leben. Da sie sich sicher nicht durch Petitionen aufhalten lassen, sollten die Daten schnell befreit werden und für alle zugänglich sein. #epa #datenschutz #dsgvo #krankendaten #anonymous #freethedata
#freethedata #anonymous #krankendaten #dsgvo #datenschutz #epa #annefrank #gesundheitsdaten
FINAL WARNING: #AnneFrank - Parallel Stories (2019) starring Helen Mirren and Gengher Gatti, will be removed in the next couple of days!
#annefrank #lastchance #NetflixUK
Warning: #AnneFrank - Parallel Stories (2019) starring Helen Mirren and Gengher Gatti, is only available until 30/06/2023
#annefrank #lastchance #NetflixUK
I've posted before about my experience of "The diary of Anne Frank". Although I knew Anne's story from my school days, it wasn't until my thirties, living in England, that I appreciated the full grace and horror of her life. I saw a Brighton theatre production of The Diary of Anne Frank, read the Pan edition of her diary, and visited the Anne Frank House museum in Amsterdam.
In 2018, I wrote a blog post about this experience, commenting:
Anne's diary is a reminder of the barbarity of war. And of the courage of those who risk their lives to protect others. But most of all, of the observations of a teenage girl who never had the chance to fulfil her potential, let alone live a long and full life!
Recently I watched A Small Light on Disney+, the courageous story of Miep and Jan Gies, who risked their lives to shelter the Franks and other Jewish families from the Nazis. I won't lie: I needed a big box of tissues to get through the tears of the last episode.
A Small Light is based on conversations Miep Gies had with Alison Leslie Gold, which resulted in Anne Frank Remembered - The Story of the Woman Who Helped to Hide the Frank Family (Simon & Shuster 1987). And after watching the series, I bought the book (Kindle version). Fittingly, it opens with this humble Prologue by Miep:
I am not a hero. I stand at the end of the long, long line of good Dutch people who did what I did or more—much more—during those dark and terrible times years ago, but always like yesterday in the hearts of those of us who bear witness. Never a day goes by that I do not think of what happened then.
#annefrank #miepgies #holocaust #asmalllight
Zum #AnneFrankTag2023 fand heute noch eine #Lesung aus dem Tagebuch der Anne Frank mit #PaulaEmmerich in der Aula statt.
Neben der Beschäftigung im Unterricht und der Plakatausstellung 'Ideale' ein Beitrag zur #Erinnerungskultur.
#fediLZ #eduNRW #niewiederKrieg #Geschichte #Schule #AnneFrank #Courage
#annefranktag2023 #lesung #paulaemmerich #erinnerungskultur #FediLZ #edunrw #niewiederkrieg #geschichte #schule #annefrank #courage
@UNESCO RT by @badiucao: #AnneFrank would have turned 94 today. On this very same day in 1942, on her 13th birthday, she began her diary, a symbol of the fight for human dignity. 📓 https://on.unesco.org/3J9YUOG https://nitter.hongkongers.net/UNESCO/status/1668143061556408320#m
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Cheryl Hines Is Now an Anti-Vax Soldier for Her Husband, RFK Jr. https://jezebel.com/cheryl-hines-anti-vax-robert-f-kennedy-jr-1850529235 #Jezebel #vaccinehesitancy #robertfkennedyjr #jamesvanderbeek #americanwriters #tuckercarlson #kennedyfamily #cherylhines #stevebannon #larrydavid #annefrank #alexjones #sandyhook #breitbart #kennedy #vaccine #writers #mrjones #actors #biden #bobby
#jezebel #vaccinehesitancy #robertfkennedyjr #jamesvanderbeek #americanwriters #tuckercarlson #kennedyfamily #cherylhines #stevebannon #larrydavid #annefrank #alexjones #SandyHook #breitbart #kennedy #Vaccine #writers #mrjones #actors #Biden #bobby
Remembering #AnneFrank through her words on her 93rd birth anniversary
https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/remembering-anne-frank-a-symbol-of-hope-resilience-through-her-words-on-her-93rd-birth-anniversary-101686583909801.html #press
Mehr als 650 Schulen aus ganz Deutschland nehmen heute am Anne-Frank-Tag 2023 teil
#Erinnerung #Schule #Bildung #AnneFrank #AnneFrankTag #Holocaust #Shoah
#shoah #holocaust #AnneFrankTag #annefrank #bildung #Schule #erinnerung
Born #OTD #AnneFrank. She received a blank diary for her 13th birthday. On 7/15/1944 she wrote "It's difficult in times like these: ideals, dreams and cherished hopes rise within us, only to be crushed by grim reality. It's a wonder I haven't abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart."
„Wenn die Leute wollten, hätten sie in ihren Händen eine größere, schönere und bessere Welt, aber sie beschäftigen sich mit oberflächlichen Dingen, ohne an echte Schönheit zu denken." #AnneFrank wäre heute 94 Jahre alt.