Useless quote for 6 June:
"Why dragons? To which I generally retort, Why not? They've had a bad press for years. And I was turning them on their tails and making them useful."
~ Anne McCaffrey, 2004
This week, a samurai sword fight broke out over a Monopoly game in Belgium, and the guys get to know the 1980s via Miami Vice!
#JeremyRenner #RenaissanceFestival #RenFaire #ScarboroughFair #AnneMcCaffrey #Pern #Cosplay #allergies #viking #belgium #monopoly #truecrime #Brussels #katana #samurai #sword #fight #TMNT #latestagecapitalism #tabletopgaming #seinfeld #MiamiVice #MichaelMann #Vegas #religion #classictv #hillstreetblues #PatrickNagel #vice #Scarface
#jeremyrenner #renaissancefestival #renfaire #scarboroughfair #annemccaffrey #pern #cosplay #allergies #viking #belgium #monopoly #truecrime #brussels #katana #samurai #sword #fight #tmnt #latestagecapitalism #tabletopgaming #seinfeld #miamivice #michaelmann #vegas #religion #classictv #hillstreetblues #patricknagel #vice #scarface
Starting a reread of Anne Mccaffrey's Tower and Hive series, and thinking of rolling into the Pern Series after that.
Pern in particular should keep me out of trouble for a while, although the T&H series is no lightweight.
#annemccaffrey #pern #books #amreading
#7BooksToKnowMe Childhood landmarks.
1) #DoctorWho and the Daleks (David Whitaker) - the differences to TV blew my mind
2) The Darwath Trilogy (#BarbaraHambly) - still a comfort author
3) #LOTR (Tolkien)
4) A Fall of Moondust (#ArthurCClarke) - disaster movie
5) The Ship Who Sang (#AnneMcCaffrey) - loved all her SF
6) The Belgeriad - David & Leigh Eddings - mixed feelings in hindsight but I loved it
7) #StarTrek II-IV (Vonda N McIntyre) - a masterclass in enriching a novelisation.
#StarTrek #annemccaffrey #arthurcclarke #lotr #barbarahambly #DoctorWho #7bookstoknowme
Hmmmmm this is harder than it should be! The only easy one is the first! Here goes…
1. Lord of the Rings (of course!) #Tolkein
2. Dragonharper #AnneMcCaffrey
3. Arrows of the Queen #MercedesLackey
4. A Song for Arbonne #GuyGavrielKay
5. Starship’s Mage #GlynnStewart
6. Green Rider #KristenBritain
7. The Sharing Knife #LouisMcMasterBujold
#tolkein #annemccaffrey #mercedeslackey #guygavrielkay #glynnstewart #kristenbritain #louismcmasterbujold
@AmberJFrost I've read/reread the entire Pern series by Anne McCaffrey a few times. Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern was the first one I read and still my favorite of the series. #AnneMcCaffrey #DragonsOfPern
Favourite authors would be:
#RobinHobb - all the books.
#AnneMcCaffrey - Dragonriders of Pern
#DavidEddings - Belgariad, Malorean etc
#DanAbnett - Eisenhorn
#JoeDever - Lone Wolf
#NeilGaiman - Sandman
#robinhobb #annemccaffrey #DavidEddings #DanAbnett #JoeDever #NeilGaiman
Illustration for Anne McCaffrey’s Harper Hall books that I loved as a young kid.
#menolly #harperhall #annemccaffrey #pern #dragons #firelizards #dragon #dragonsong #mccaffrey #illustration #bookillustration #procreate #sunset #seacove
#seacove #sunset #procreate #bookillustration #illustration #mccaffrey #dragonsong #dragon #firelizards #dragons #pern #annemccaffrey #harperhall #menolly
It was really hard to settle on just 5-7 favorite authors for the #Bookstodon lists being shared! Like picking between favorite children...
(I had to throw Weekes, Zahn, Eddings, Cherryh, Weber, Wexler, Jordan, Gaiman, Aaronovitch, Hobb, McKinley, Rothfuss, McKillip, Lackey, LeGuin, Zelazny, Hambly, Feist, Drake, Campbell, Butcher and so many more great authors under the bus)
#bookstodon #andrenorton #guygavrielkay #annemccaffrey #stevenbrust #tanyahuff #andyweir #alandeanfoster
#bookstodon and here are seven of my favourite authors.
#bookstodon #terrypratchett #DavidEddings #TerryBrooks #annemccaffrey #piersanthony #alaistairreynolds #larryniven
I actually can't recall whether I did these before or after reading the Crystal Singer trilogy, but #AnneMcCaffrey and her weird, at times almost new agey approach to humans evolving into a spacefaring society have been a strong aesthetic influence for me ever since I got my hands on the first two Talent/Pegasus books as a teen.
And here are the titans of science fiction in this video: #robertheinlein #isaacasimov #octaviabutler #harlanellison #samueldelany #ursulaleguin #raybradbury #hugogernsback #arthurcclarke #judithmerril #julesverne #annemccaffrey #philipkdick #hgwells #maryshelley
#robertheinlein #isaacasimov #octaviabutler #harlanellison #SamuelDelany #ursulaleguin #raybradbury #hugogernsback #arthurcclarke #judithmerril #julesverne #annemccaffrey #philipkdick #hgwells #maryshelley
Tant que j'en suis aux présentations, j'en profite pour signaler ici les quelques guides et tags que j'ai commis pour qui cherche des idées de lecture #sfff #incontournablesSFFF #annemccaffrey :
Sur la ballade de Pern d'Anne McCaffrey 🐉 :
Sur Ursula K. Le Guin 🚀🧙🏾♂️ : #ursulakleguin :
Les incontournables récents en SFFF 📚 :
Auteurices incontournables en SFFF 📚 :
#incontournablesSFFF #lecture
#sfff #incontournablesSFFF #annemccaffrey #ursulakleguin #lecture
I imagine a little introduction is in order. Here’s a few things I find interesting:
#genealogy #history #Disney #AnneRice #AnneMccaffrey #Supernatural (big S) #supernatural (small s) #RickandMorty #StevieNicks #FleetwoodMac #PatBenatar
#patbenatar #fleetwoodmac #stevienicks #rickandmorty #supernatural #annemccaffrey #annerice #Disney #History #genealogy
My county #PublicLibrary system has 71 #AnneMcCaffrey books. None of them is a physical copy of #Dragonflight. One of them is the rights to a digital copy. Those bits are "checked out" and "on hold" after that and might maybe be available in over a month assuming nobody "renews" them.
Fuck US intellectual property law tbqf.
#dragonflight #annemccaffrey #publiclibrary