I got this new mug, and I love it so much.
Mug: Le Creuset L’Amour collection mug (Chiffon Pink)
Book: Anne’s House of Dreams by L.M. Montgomery (hardcover edition from Aladdin books)
Coffee: Blue Bottle single origin subscription
#BooksAndCoffee #PinkMug #Books #AnnesHouseOfDreams #LMMontgomery #Pink #Coffee
#booksandcoffee #pinkmug #books #anneshouseofdreams #lmmontgomery #pink #coffee
My commission from @sydneyfontaine@twitter.com arrived today and I’ve never been happier. Can’t wait to hang up this Anne Shirley quote in the library! #AOGG #AnnesHouseOfDreams #BookQuote
#aogg #anneshouseofdreams #bookquote