Abundance is so much greater than acquiring material possessions. It is a feeling of ease, a flow-state of giving and receiving, an appreciation for the fullness of life. Look at the trees in bloom, the flowers that turn to fruit, the abundant supply of seeds that create new life. The tree is not hoarding fruit or hiding her flowers, she is showcasing her brilliance, giving unconditionally with the knowing that more will come.
- Annette Müller
So what has caused us, humans, to live in such an illusion of scarcity? Why is it that we struggle so deeply to share? To receive? To trust? When considering this big “why”, I was reminded of the major crisis we are currently facing as humanity. Our separation and destruction of the natural world. In our becoming so smart and superior, we severed our ties with this dance of giving and receiving and so cut ourselves off from our original source.
- Annette Müller
For all the women out there
Wisdom from a Cosmic Crone
Lila shares some wisdom for these times:
- Relationships
- Birth work and patience
- Women's circles and dissolving the hierarchy in "teacher-student" dynamics
HO HO HO, VWC-BUUV helpt Haarlemmers met kerstklussen in en om het huis
Haarlemmers die hulp nodig hebben met het sjouwen van de kerstboom of met het ophangen van kerstversiering kunnen via VWC-BUUV een oproep op de website plaatsen met de vraag of er mensen zijn die daar mee willen helpen. Daarnaast...
#Haarlem #VWC-BUUV #kerstklussen #HulpNodig #kerstversiering #AnnetteMuller
#haarlem #vwc #kerstklussen #HULPNODIG #kerstversiering #annettemuller
HO HO HO, VWC-BUUV helpt Haarlemmers met kerstklussen in en om het huis
Haarlemmers die hulp nodig hebben met het sjouwen van de kerstboom of met het ophangen van kerstversiering kunnen via VWC-BUUV een oproep op de website plaatsen met de vraag of er mensen zijn die daar mee willen helpen. Daarnaast...
#Haarlem #VWC-BUUV #kerstklussen #HulpNodig #kerstversiering #AnnetteMuller
#haarlem #vwc #kerstklussen #HULPNODIG #kerstversiering #annettemuller