"Obituary: Ann Leslie"
Fake news! Journalist #AnnLeslie is in fact a succubus, and thus immortal. She will be here to torment us til the end of time.
Just heard about the death of Ann Leslie. Despite her conservative leanings and working for the Daily Fail, I had great respect for her: she was one hell of a journalist. An incisive interviewer who never left you in any doubt of her opinions, she was a great loss from programmes like Question Time, where she was worth a thousand of the half-arsed comedians and vacuous celebrities the BBC stuffs the panel with these days.
#AnnLeslie #Journalism #DailyMail #DailyExpress
#DailyExpress #dailymail #journalism #annleslie
Dame Ann Leslie obituary | National newspapers | The Guardian
#AnnLeslie #Journalism