Anno 1800 will make it easier to find and download mods with official support - #MultiplayerCompetitive #MultiplayerCooperative #Birdview/Isometric #UbisoftBlueByte #SinglePlayer #Management #Simulation #Strategy #Anno1800 #Ubisoft #PC
#pc #mod #ubisoft #anno1800 #strategy #simulation #management #singleplayer #ubisoftbluebyte #birdview #multiplayercooperative #multiplayercompetitive
Bin ja großer Fan der guten alten #Games. Auf meiner „Platte“ liegt seit langer Zeit ein großartiges Spiel von #Ubisoft: #ANNO1800 Habe im letzten Jahr bei der #gamescom mit meinem MdL-Kollegen Markus Kropfreiter jeweils eine Spiellizenz verlost und mich sehr gefreut, dass auch eine Besichtigung des Studios in Mainz ermöglicht wurde. Heute durften wir mit den Gewinnern nach Mainz kommen. Vielen Dank an Ubisoft und Herrn Thun für die Chance der Einblicke hinter die Kulissen!
#games #Ubisoft #anno1800 #gamescom
Meine Pläne für die nächsten Wochen:
-#istanbul von @pegasusspiele mit der Lieblingsnachbarin
- #mausundmystik von #zmangames mir den Goofies
- #anno1800 von #kosmos mit der tollsten Frau
#istanbul #mausundmystik #zmangames #anno1800 #kosmos #brettspiele
#Anno1800 #アイレスゲーム配信
【Anno1800】まったり配信中! @Youtubeより
#Anno1800 #アノ1800 #アイレスゲーム配信
【Anno1800】まったり配信中! @Youtubeより
Todays mode of chill therapy?
#Anno1800 ⛵️🤙🏼
First time I’m actually putting some decent hours into it and it’s been fantastic.
#anno1800 #gaming #pcgaming #citybuilder
I swear I've had less planning for multi-month work projects than for some Anno 1800 game nights. 🙈
#Anno1800 #アノ1800 #アイレスゲーム配信
【Anno1800】まったり配信中! @Youtubeより
Ich habe da Game Porting Toolkit ausprobiert, kam aber nicht sehr weit…
#macos #gameportingtoolkit #anno1800
Probably a mistake BUT since I have the funds for it I decided to start working on my main area before getting the beer run together. It doesn't look like much but once I have the ornaments in it will start looking really pretty. #Anno1800
Whew that was a lot of work but all my agriculture is situated in a nice little area on its own. Now to build up the worker area. Also have a beer festival right now which helps a ton. Hopefully I can get the beer production going. #Anno1800
Oh man I was greatly underestimating the potential of silos on my animal farms. 1 silo brings production on an animal farm up to 200%! So that's like having 2 farms for the space of 1 farm. You obviously need a wheat field BUT 1 wheat field can fill 4 to 5 silos. Time to get busy with some silos. #Anno1800
What I think I'm going to do is create another small farmer's hub by building another marketplace and pub. Then I'll move the house from the docks over to that area.
I also really need to start beer production or the people are gonna riot. I've had to use propaganda twice now in my newspaper to stamp it out. #Anno1800
Alright progress has been made. I began creating my little farming community starting with schnapps and clothes. Everything is moving in the right directions but I need to fix the housing around the docks. It's having a drastic effect on my population. #Anno1800
Okay I went back to an auto-save from when I started the soap production. I got super excited and started steam rolling ahead. I noticed the AI players had already started iron production and I freaked out a bit. But I need to remember to stick to the plan. If I don't have the production chains in place then everything goes kaput. #Anno1800
Man every time I hit iron I start to lose money. I need to go back a save and re-think the plan. #Anno1800
My poor baby ship got attacked by pirates. It's time to make some weapons! #Anno1800
Short term goal completed: We have a soap trade!
Watching the let's play on #Anno1800 and I found out you can change productivity if your citizens are happy enough! 😮 So with that I just upped the production of soap so we can get things moving along. That will help us with our income and allow me to get this situated so I can move to Artisans.
New short term goal: Fix my production lines. So I can have passive trade from my harbor.