Watch a Web Page Fetch Itself Over TLS, Complete With Commentary #SecurityHacks #SoftwareHacks #javascript #annotated #binary #https #tls
#SecurityHacks #SoftwareHacks #javascript #annotated #binary #https #tls
Watch a Web Page Fetch Itself Over TLS, Complete With Commentary - TLS, byte by byte performs an unusual and interesting function: it fetches itself ... - #securityhacks #softwarehacks #javascript #annotated #binary #https #tls
#tls #https #binary #annotated #javascript #softwarehacks #securityhacks
Can you #read previously #annotated used #books? I have found out that I cannot. I can’t concentrate because of the underlined parts and margin notes. It’s hella distracting. 🤷🏻♀️
#usedbooks #Reading #bookstodon #Books #annotated #read
Uncertainty-Based Active Learning for Reading Comprehension
Jing Wang, Jie Shen, Xiaofei Ma, Andrew Arnold
#labeling #annotation #annotated
An amazing paper on training #rgg #parsers on only a limited amount of #annotated #data on #low_resource_languages, in this case #Daakaka, by @texttheater, @laurakallmeyer, Jakub Waszczuk, @kilu, Tatiana Bladier, & Simon Petitjean (all affiliated with @HHU).
#linguistics #deeplearning #computationalLinguistics, #lowresourcelanguages
#rgg #parsers #annotated #data #low_resource_languages #daakaka #linguistics #deeplearning #computationallinguistics #LowResourceLanguages
Programmatically adding #tags to my #annotated #bibliography with #Quarto
#tags #annotated #bibliography #quarto
I can't believe there has actually been a plaintext sitemap standard this whole time. #annotated
I can't believe there has actually been a plaintext sitemap standard this whole time. #annotated
"My #lamclailemma" ... I believe I will be forced to act alone--at least it's what I call this fusion of many people acting ... sort of half-way towards the thing I seek and sought and ... seered---
I'll have to somehow steal reddit. You. It. #annotated