Web Old-Timer Shouting at Cloud:
I read an article on #Cnet
earlier today and apparently scrolled a little too far, such that a different article started. The new article hijacked the page/tab title AND the url, *even including its entry in my browser history*, so that when I later wanted to revisit the article I actually read... there was absolutely no trace of it.
I had to try some searches on their mainpage to relocate it.
JavaScript was a mistake. 😑
#Definition time! Compare and contrast --
weak misanthropic principle: I hate people, because they annoy me.
strong misanthropic principle: I hate people, because they exist solely to annoy me.
#misanthrope #misanthropic #principle #people #hate #annoy #annoyances
#definition #misanthrope #misanthropic #principle #people #hate #annoy #annoyances
TIL: macOS ventura has totally horked the permissions assignment for command line utilities that use the locations API. i will have to get this via shortcuts.
I've started encountering a lot of vehicles lately that apparently have removed their mufflers. Was quite surprised to even encounter a minivan in such conditions. Wondering how much of this is intentional and how much is from stolen catalytic converters.
What I want is a macOS utility that will tell me which !@%& app just made a notification sound.
Something is pinging intermittently and I have no idea what it is. This is why my default is to mute the volume unless I need it.
Why is it not possible for a courier company to adjust their collection schedule for when one will actually be at home? I had to go out for a few hours this morning, and a phone to the company asking for a collection postponement resulted in my being told it was not possible. The driver had already "accepted the job" and was on the way. (No indication of an arrival time, though.) So the driver doesn't have a mobile phone? She/he can't do other collections first and come back to me a few hours later? Hrrmmph.
#courier #timetables #annoyances
What Is Your Least Favourite Thing About the Holidays?
I know Christmas is over, but they *forced* me to write about all the things I don't like about the holidays.
#medium #writing #writingchallenge #theholidays #christmas #newyear #cringe #dislikes #thingsIhate #annoyances #annoying #family #childhood #olddays #growingup #commercial #commercialism
#medium #writing #writingchallenge #theholidays #christmas #NewYear #cringe #dislikes #thingsihate #annoyances #annoying #family #childhood #olddays #growingup #commercial #commercialism
has anyone made a browser extension (or preferably built into a browser) that detects those annoying in-page newsletter signup popup/overlays completely? like, heuristically, not with a list. i imagine something like existing popup-window-blocking behaviour where there's a visual indication of one being blocked, so you could allowlist it if it was something actually desired/required
#webbrowsers #browsers #annoyances #popups #ads
One thing I find really #annoying when #shopping is #people who park their trolley/cart on one side of the aisle and then proceed to stand in the way and look at items on the opposite side of the aisle ðŸ˜
#idiots #lackofcommonsense #peoplenotthinking #annoyances #people #shopping #annoying
Newbie #Mastodon #annoyances (Web UI):
If you follow a link to a post on another server, you can't reply to that post; you have to copy the link, paste it into 'search' on your server, and then reply to the result.
Likewise, if you find somebody interesting on another server, you can't just follow them from there and instead again have to search for the user on your server, then follow from the result.
I can guess as to _why_ this is, but that doesn't make it any less cumbersome.
Newbie #Mastodon #annoyances (Web UI):
If you follow a link to a post on another server, you can't reply to that post; you have to copy the link, paste it into 'search' on your server, and then reply to the result.
Likewise, if you find somebody interesting on another server, you can't just follow them from there and instead again have to search for the user on your server, then follow from the result.
I can guess as to _why_ this is, but that doesn't make it any less cumbersome.
Newbie #Mastodon #annoyances (Web UI):
If you follow a link to a post on another server, you can't reply to that post
I can do
cd \
and I can do
cd \dev
but I can't do
So annoying.
Someone is going to reply with *why* this is how it is but in this instance I'm a *user*. I don't care why, I just want it to work consistently.
#shell #annoyances #powershell #dos
Is it too much to ask that all the people I have meetings with learn how to handle calendar invites? Both them needing an email reminder with the link because they don't use a calendar and me having trouble keeping track of meetings they've scheduled because they don't know how to make them calendar invites instead of just emails #annoyances #zoom
Mastododon search is weird.
if I #search for #mastodon or any other keyword, instead of getting my exact search as first result, I have to scroll and load more and scroll and load more ... until I find it.
Yes you'll say that I can type it directly in the address-bar like /tags/mastodon but still.
Outlook really needs a single "no really, just turn off ABSOLUTELY ALL of those stupid notifications that warn you 15 minutes in advance of every meeting" button, so you don't have to hunt down all of the ones you've already received and squash them one by one. 😡
#uxdesign #ux #badux #annoyances #msoutlook #outlook
#IsItJustMe or are the very frequent x-posts from birdsite (to which one cannot reply) general #annoyances? [I've muted several bots that do only that] #mastodonNewbie #observation
#isitjustme #annoyances #mastodonnewbie #observation
Anyone else hate the netflix startup sound? I mute and unmute just to avoid it.