Heads up: on a track across the United States the sun will turn into a "ring of fire" on October 14, due to an "annular eclipse".
Read more at my #blog: https://www.adamasnemesis.com/2023/09/02/an-annular-eclipse-is-coming-soon/
This post's featured image is by Kevin Baird (CC-BY-SA 3.0).
#blog #eclipse #annulareclipse #news #solareclipse
Another eclipse shot: the Algocanada upbound on Lake Huron at sunrise, 10 June, 2021. Photo by Mary Truchan.
#shipsofmastodon #greatlakes #lakeerie #annulareclipse
Annular eclipse from the Mackinac Bridge, 10 June, 2021. Photo by Lake Superior Photo - Gallery/Studio.
#mackinacbridge #greatlakes #lakemichigan #annulareclipse
Global News BC: Total solar eclipse to arc across North America in April 2024 https://globalnews.ca/news/9610060/canada-total-eclipse-april-2024/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #AtlanticCanadatotaleclipse #AtlanticCanadaelipse #Ontariototaleclipse #Quebectotaleclipse #totalsolareclipse #Annulareclipse #Ontarioeclipse #Easterncanada #Quebececlipse #SolarEclipse #Astronomy #Canada #NASA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #atlanticcanadatotaleclipse #atlanticcanadaelipse #ontariototaleclipse #quebectotaleclipse #totalsolareclipse #annulareclipse #ontarioeclipse #easterncanada #quebececlipse #solareclipse #Astronomy #Canada #nasa