A pissant NATO satrap doing dirt on YOU, American. https://www.404media.co/revealed-the-country-that-secretly-wiretapped-the-world-for-the-fbi/
See this https://auntieimperial.tumblr.com/post/97479776969 for more about A BIG LOOPHOLE that allows the FBI to spy on American citizens, then pass it on to the NSA and CIA, which ARE NOT allowed to monitor US citizens. #FISA #FISC #Section215 #Anom #domesticsurveillance #Domesticspying
#fisa #fisc #section215 #anom #domesticsurveillance #domesticspying
Dom för grovt narkotikabrott i Osby och Sölvesborg
Tretton personer har dömts för synnerligen grovt narkotikabrott alternativt grovt narkotikabrott för att ha tillverkat, sålt, köpt eller transporterat stora mängder narkotika. Två personer dömts för skyd
#Brott #Kristianstad #Kungsbacka #Onsala #Osby #Stockholm #Slvesborg #ANOM #Fngelse #Narkotikabrott #OperationKuba #SkyECC #TrojanShield #Vapenbrott
#vapenbrott #trojanshield #skyecc #operationkuba #narkotikabrott #fngelse #anom #slvesborg #stockholm #osby #onsala #kungsbacka #kristianstad #brott
@5am also @signalapp is inherently #centralized and like all #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider solutions can't be trusted!
I just don't have any evidence yet that they're an #ANØM-Style #Honeypot but I'd declare every LEA "criminally incompetent" if they didn't already #EncroChat themselves inside and put every phone # of every user on a watchlist.
Or does anyone think the CIA & NSA didn't find a successor operation to #MINERVA?
#Signal is signalling all the wrong vibes to me!
#Signal #minerva #EncroChat #honeypot #anom #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized
Que sait-on sur les écoles coraniques en #Algérie ?
All shit that #monoclesChat or any other #XMPP+#OMEMO or #PGP/MIME - compatible client just doesn't do.
@signalapp in my eyes is at best begging to be infiltrated like #EncroChat if not outright a #HoneyPot like #ANØM!
#anom #honeypot #EncroChat #pgp #omemo #XMPP #monocleschat
@itzzenxx @Seirdy @vamanimal @neurovagrant @iatendril What I'm saying is:
@signalapp is a sting operation just like #ANØM, #EncroChat and #CryptoAG were...
@itzzenxx @Seirdy @vamanimal @neurovagrant
So please feel free to apologize when @signalapp crashes down like #ANØM and #CryptoAG, because if the #CIA can operate an espionage sting for 50+ years and the AFP can do so for 3, then it would not be unreasonable if #Signal is the same.
They know that 501(c)(3) nonprofit is as good as a Foundation in Liechtenstein when it comes to #DarkMoney...
#darkmoney #Signal #CIA #CryptoAG #anom
@itzzenxx @Seirdy @vamanimal @neurovagrant
You know, all the arguments in favour of #Signal remind me of something...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crypto_AG
If @signalapp is not an op like #ANØM nor being subverted like #EncroChat then I'd call the entire LEA/INTEL apparatus of the USA out as criminally incompetent...
Just admit that you're all just having an escalating commitment because cognitive dissonance is real.
Once #Signal is busted, you all owe me an apology, cuz #ToldYaSo!
#toldyaso #EncroChat #anom #Signal
@vamanimal @Seirdy @signalapp @neurovagrant @itzzenxx
- Phone Number
- IP adresses
- All the Data Packets sent to and from Signal
That alone is way too much, and the only move would be to fully decentralize stuff like #eMail and #XMPP is.
They chose not to and instead run the same "business model" that #EncroChat & #ANØM did, except they'd not even get paid by the users...
Do you even know how expensive an operation like that is to run?
#CryptoAG #Signal #anom #EncroChat #XMPP #Email
@neurovagrant @fla @Seirdy Relying on a #centralized #SingleVendor / #singleProvider solution like @signalapp / #Signal is even more dangerously naive as equally centralized solutions like #EncroChat or #ANØM:
Or do you naively believe governments that strictly enforce #LawfulInterception will just not care because it's #Signal?
Hell no!
There's a reason #XMPP - #OMEMO and other protocols where users own the keys are still around: Because they work and ain't Single-Vendor/Single-Provider!
#omemo #XMPP #LawfulInterception #anom #EncroChat #Signal #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized
@Seirdy @neurovagrant just use #XMPP over #Tor then...
Also it's not done with "Just use Signal" because #ITsec, #InfoSec, #OpSec & #ComSec are all interlinked.
#Signal is for gullible #TechIlliterates that are too lazy to learn despite being #TechLiterate is part of their job.
Assholes like #GlennGreenwald for example...
Signal will inevitably crash down like #EncroChat and #ANØM before...
#anom #EncroChat #glenngreenwald #techliterate #TechIlliterates #Signal #comsec #opsec #InfoSec #ITSec #Tor #XMPP
Vice: Defense Lawyers Push Judge to Reveal Secret Country that Helped FBI Wiretap the World https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/bvj7va/defense-lawyers-push-judge-to-reveal-secret-country-that-helped-fbi-wiretap-the-world #operationtrojanshield #encryptedphones #trojanshield #CYBER #anom #FBI #eu
#operationtrojanshield #encryptedphones #trojanshield #cyber #anom #fbi #eu
People like @salt@mastodon.world are the kind of gullible folks that'll instantly buy an #EncroChat or #ANØM smartphone and then wounder how their criminal enterprise gets busted.
@JorisMeys Differnt brand - same issue.
Whilst #Signal has yet to be confirmed as #PRISM collaborator, it too is a #centralized & #proprietary #SingleVendor / #SinlgeProvider "solution" and thus inevitably susceptible to state-sponsored attacks and easy to force into compliance with facist demands.
You might as well use #EncroChat or #ANØM instead.
Real professionals will use #XMPP - #OMEMO as #decentralized, #OpenSource and thus inherently more resilient option!
#OpenSource #decentralized #omemo #XMPP #anom #EncroChat #sinlgeprovider #singlevendor #proprietary #centralized #prism #Signal
@lrhodes This alone should be reason enough not to trust #NSAbook or any other #GAFAM|s with anything one wouldn't publicly post...
JFC did the people learn nothing out of the #EncroChat & #ANØM / #OperationIronside / #OperationTrojanShield debacles?
Do I have to drag out that old #PRISM slide again??
#prism #OperationTrojanShield #OperationIronside #anom #EncroChat #gafam #NSAbook
@Anibyl If this turns out to be just another #CryptoAG / #ANØM op, then you owe me an apology...
cuz I #ToldYaSo!
@Anibyl @chris that's because it's a #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider #app and thus inherently insecure.
If your #OpSec, #InfoSec, #ComSec and #ITsec relies on "non-cooperative providers" you'll inevitably be susceptible to using #HoneyPot|s like #ANØM or be targeted by #Govware operations like the one happening with #EncroChat.
#EncroChat #govware #anom #honeypot #ITSec #comsec #InfoSec #opsec #App #SingleProvider #singlevendor
@enno not that surprising given that every #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider "solution" for communications will inherently have #Govware #backdoors, otherwise they'd be illegal!
That's why noone who takes #ITsec, #InfoSec, #OpSec & #comSec 100% seriously will use them for anything but posting public info.
That's how the drug dealers using #EncroChat & #ANØM got caught and why noone should trust any #VPN or #Messenger!
#messenger #VPN #anom #EncroChat #comsec #opsec #InfoSec #ITSec #backdoors #govware #SingleProvider #singlevendor
@kvuzet Sorry, but people who are literally so stupid to trust #proprietary, #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider "solutions" like #EncroChat, #ANØM, #ProtonMail - or whatever #honeypot for that matter - should be jailed just "criminal stupidity" alone...
#honeypot #ProtonMail #anom #EncroChat #SingleProvider #singlevendor #proprietary
@AnarchoNinaWrites OFC!
In fact, all those services stench like the #Honeypots they are and I'd call LEAs to be "criminally incompetent" if they didn't sabotage it [#EncroChat] or did actually run it from day 0 [#ANØM]...
Cuz when push comes to shove, they'll all rat out their users!