I’m looking forward to looking back on 20 years of weird science at #Goldsmiths for London #Forteans on Tuesday, 29/11/22, 7:30 pm for 8 pm start at the Bell, London E1. A few tickets left: https://www.wegottickets.com/event/558524 #anomalistic #paranormal #psychic #scepticism
#scepticism #psychic #paranormal #anomalistic #forteans #Goldsmiths
I will be giving a talk on “The psychology of ghosts and hauntings” at Goldsmiths at 4 pm on 8/12/22 in Room 300a of the Richard Hoggart Building. Free, open to all, no need to book. #ghosts #anomalistic #psychology #scepticism
#scepticism #psychology #anomalistic #ghosts
I’ll be giving my talk on “The science of weird shit: Twenty years of weird science at Goldsmiths” for the London #Fortean Society on 29/11/22 at the Bell Pub, London E1 at 8 pm (doors open 7:30 pm). #paranormal #anomalistic #psychology #scepticism
#scepticism #psychology #anomalistic #paranormal #fortean
I'll be giving a talk for #MerseysideSkeptics on "The science of weird shit: Twenty years of weird science at Goldsmiths" at 7:30 pm on 17/11/22 at the Casa Bar, 29 Hope Street. #anomalistic #psychology #scepticism #paranormal
#paranormal #scepticism #psychology #anomalistic #merseysideskeptics