@interru You can thank assholes that abuse every #Filehoster and a #SueHappy #Copyrightmafia for that...
Seriously, the former one killed #AnonFiles and the latter one is why they only want to allow-list access to their upload function...
#anonfiles #copyrightmafia #suehappy #Filehoster
@dameoutlaw @blujayfox
Because that broad brush is justified.
Just as one doesn't go into a bar that tolerates Neonazis, one doesn't go onto a site or forum that accepts #CSAM or stochastic terrorism.
And with it's centralized architecture, #BlueSky has no reason not to remove said obviously illegal contents.
And yes, reporting #CSAM will get hosters to fire customers quickly.
And if that's too hard for them then maybe they should cease operation like #AnonFiles did:
Whenever you offer a service for free and it includes a relatively alright way for a user to stay anonymous you're going to end up with so much shit it becomes undoable to work with. https://anonfiles.com/
#anonfiles #freeservices #anonymous
Anonymer #Filesharing-Service #Anonfiles macht dicht | Security https://www.heise.de/news/Anonymer-Filesharing-Service-Anonfiles-macht-dicht-9247966.html #Datenschutz #privacy
#filesharing #anonfiles #datenschutz #privacy
TorrentFreak: File-Hosting Icon AnonFiles Throws in the Towel, Domain For Sale https://torrentfreak.com/file-hosting-icon-anonfiles-throws-in-the-towel-domain-for-sale-230817/ #anonfiles #bayfiles #Piracy
TorrentFreak: File-Hosting Icon AnonFiles Throws in the Towel, Domain For Sale https://torrentfreak.com/file-hosting-icon-anonfiles-throws-in-the-towel-domain-for-sale-230817/ #anonfiles #bayfiles #Piracy
#AnonFiles Shuts Down After Massive User Abuse #cybersecurity #infosec https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/anonfiles-shuts-down-user-abuse/
#infosec #cybersecurity #anonfiles
Anonymous file-sharing service #AnonFiles has shut down due to an unmanageable volume of user abuse. The operators are now seeking a buyer for the domain.
「 #ファイル共有サイト #Anonfiles が圧倒的な不正行為のため #閉鎖 」: BLEEPINGCOMPUTER
「Anonfilesは多くの人にとって便利なファイル共有サイトであったが、他のユーザーからは、マルウェアや技術サポート詐欺、不要なGoogle ChromeやFirefoxのブラウザ拡張機能などをリダイレクトさせる怪しい広告主がよく使われているという報告もあった」
#ファイル共有サイト #anonfiles #閉鎖 #prattohome #bleepingcomputer
📬PS4: Jailbreak für Firmware 7.55 bei hackerone aufgetaucht📬 https://tarnkappe.info/ps4-jailbreak-fuer-firmware-7-55-bei-hackerone-aufgetaucht/ #HackerOne.com #Jailbreaks #anonfiles #Jailbreak #payload #TheFlow #Gaming #AlAzif #ps4
#ps4 #AlAzif #gaming #theflow #payload #jailbreak #anonfiles #jailbreaks #hackerone
📬Drachenlord von Unbekannten gehackt, Daten offen im Netz📬 https://tarnkappe.info/drachenlord-von-unbekannten-gehackt-daten-offen-im-netz/ #RainerWinkler #Drachenlord #ruqqus.com #anonfiles #MEGA
#rainerwinkler #ruqqus #anonfiles #mega #drachenlord