Usa, in #Ucraina morti 20mila russi in cinque mesi
Altri 80mila sarebbero stati feriti. Metà delle perdite subite dal gruppo #Wagner. Nel frattempo, gli ucraini si preparavo alla controffensiva e per oggi sono attese novità da #Bakhmut, la città da mesi al centro dei combattimenti
US, #20,000 #Russians dead in #Ukraine in #fivemonths
#Another80,000 were reportedly wounded. #Half of the losses were suffered by the #Wagner group. In the meantime, the #Ukrainians are preparing for a counter-offensive and news is expected #today from #Bakhmut, the city that has been at the centre of the fighting for #months.
2-5-2023 8:44 #Domani
#ucraina #wagner #bakhmut #russians #ukraine #fivemonths #another80 #half #ukrainians #today #months #domani