Another Round, from Oklahoma!
"In Radio Waves"
🤘 ❤️
#anotherround #herefortheindependents #rock #music
@hex : #AnotherRound, no doubt about it. One of the very best #movies of the last decade.
"The world is never as you expect."
Mads #Mikkelsen as Martin, History Teacher
#anotherround #movies #mikkelsen
Gonzalo Frías Gonzalo7movicio@birdsite:
Buenas películas para volver a ver en #Netflix El ser humano tiene un déficit de alcohol del 0,05% para ser más feliz 🍷 Un grupo de profesores se ponen a beber como experimento. Mads Mikkelssen desolado y embriagador. Si no han visto #AnotherRound ¿qué esperan? 👇📽️
Just noticed that Another Round has appeared on Netflix UK. Watch it, love it, thank me later.
#anotherround #madsmikkelsen #thomasvinterberg #netflix
I'm loving these #ComfortFilms lists. Here's my random list:
#PrincessBride (1987)
#AnotherRound (2020)
#MarieAntoinette (2006)
#HotFuzz (2007)
#Romeo&Juliet (1996)
#TheShining (1980)
#You'veGotMail (1998)
#TheTruthAboutCatsAndDogs (1996)
#PracticalMagic (1998)
#Paddington (2014)
To name but a few! I love using #letterboxd if anyone is on there.
My profile on Letterboxd
#comfortfilms #princessbride #anotherround #marieantoinette #HotFuzz #Romeo #theshining #you #TheTruthAboutCatsAndDogs #PracticalMagic #Paddington #Letterboxd #cinemastodon #filmastodon #cinematoot
'Another Round' (2020) Review: A Drunkenly Delectable Drama Another Round, also known as its Danish title Druk (meaning yes, it’s subtitled in English), is now playing in select theaters and hits digital/on demand services on December 18th. #AnotherRound #Druk #moviereview #MadsMikkelsen #ThomasBoLarsen #ThomasVinterberg #foreignfilm #Denmark #Sweden #movies #SamuelGoldwynFilms #newrelease #nowplaying
#anotherround #Druk #moviereview #madsmikkelsen #ThomasBoLarsen #thomasvinterberg #foreignfilm #denmark #sweden #movies #SamuelGoldwynFilms #newrelease #nowplaying