KenwoodChef · @KenwoodChef
3 followers · 36 posts · Server

Ermuntert einander mit Psalmen und Lobgesängen und geistlichen Liedern, singt und spielt dem Herrn in eurem Herzen. Epheser 5,19
@christians4future @c4f_hh @mit_io_ @
@erzgruen @news_erzbistum_paderborn Be together @Aiti

#humanity #OurOtherMother #earth #anotherworldispossible

Last updated 1 year ago

Tobias Burdukat · @pudding
292 followers · 76 posts · Server

Ich habe jetzt ein paar Tage nach einer Möglichkeit gesucht wie ich einen Umgang mit dem finde was hier passiert und ich werde dies fortlaufend in einem Blogbeitrag tun.Die ersten Einträge findet ihr nun Online, ich werde versuchen den Blogbeitrag stetig zu erweitern.

#sachsen #noafd #saveyourhinterland #anotherworldispossible

Last updated 1 year ago

zeigen, dass eine andere Welt möglich ist 🌍

📌 Platz der Alten Synagoge
🗓️ 21. Juli
⏰ 16 Uhr

Schreibt euch außerdem schonmal den 15.09. in den Kalender, da findet nämlich unser nächster Globaler Klimastreik statt!

#10nach12 #anotherworldispossible #fridaysforfuturefreiburg #freiburgfursklima

Last updated 1 year ago

Czarna Rewolta · @czarnarewolta
64 followers · 182 posts · Server
Rat (she/her) · @TheRatCantRead
312 followers · 875 posts · Server

When I hear about Ron DeSantis's on-going feud with , I keep thinking about Pete Fraser's book, The Four Futures, a thought experiment in which he imagines how and could play out to either increase our freedom and leisure or decrease them.

One outcome, which I think aligns with DeSantis's vision for the future, is essentially , based on an overreaching government that enforces so-called "traditional" values to scapegoat anyone who isn't a straight, white, cis, able-bodied, wealthy man while plundering the planet.

Another outcome is a sort of corporate authoritarianism in which our lives are essentially owned by our bosses and we have no real freedom or liberty but maybe we get a few fun consumer perks, if we're lucky, as we work ourselves to death in increasing precarity.

Regardless of who prevails, I think it should be obvious that no one, neither a governor nor a corporation, should have as much power as either or Disney have.

#disney #climatechange #automation #fascism #desantis #anotherworldispossible #fourfutures #solidarity

Last updated 2 years ago

ZE RIO · @ze_rio
20 followers · 698 posts · Server

@Trojaner @carl also allgemein: system von China und Russland ist auch nicht gut.
ABER der_Westen, das sind nicht immer Die_Guten.


Last updated 2 years ago

Rat (she/her) · @TheRatCantRead
279 followers · 595 posts · Server

In the US, who you are is intimately tied into what you consume, and we have a very superficial of understanding people, in that we assume people present themselves in a way that they want to be perceived. I've had so many men, for instance, tell me that they "love the natural look" and hate it when women wear what they deem "too much" makeup. But my bare face isn't my choice—my choice would be flamboyant eyeshadows and raccoon eyeliner and colored lipsticks. Unfortunately, my and prevent that, unless I want painful cyst outbreaks and scratched corneas.

gives us a false sense of in our lives. If who you want to be is just a matter of purchasing power, then you can buy your identity. But those identities are out of reach for so many people—those with disabilities, those who are working class, those who are people of color, queer folks, etc. It also allows for , since it's a mindset that assumes no one is subject to exploitation, oppression, or othering in the ways we move through the world. We're all just reduced to people who buy things.

And that's such a sad, paltry existence. In 2020, we realized , a world where people cared about , where we masked to protect , where we had time to slow down and create. Yes, was and is still terrifying, but it also showed us an existence not centered on .

#rosacea #meibomianglanddysfunction #consumerism #agency #victimblaming #anotherworldispossible #blacklivesmatter #peoplewithdisabilities #covid

Last updated 2 years ago

Rat (she/her) · @TheRatCantRead
278 followers · 579 posts · Server

Listening to a Conspirituality episode about how in the United States has been framed as a form of agency, possibly the only expression of agency. Even though the episode hasn't mentioned the , I can't help thinking about it in the context of .

It's always been baffling to me how eating at restaurants and shopping at big box stores seems to be the epitome of the good life to so many people. Isn't life defined by so much more—the knowledge you acquire, the time you spend with loved ones and the impact your make on improving the world? But if in the US, consumerism is agency, then yes, sadly, to many people, suddenly not being a consumer would be not just a supposed impingement on their freedom but a mass existential crisis. Who am I if I can't consume? I guess rather than seeking deeper meaning, people would prefer to risk illness, death and disability from covid.

#podcast #consumerism #pandemic #covid #neoliberalism #capitalism #spirituality #existentialism #existentialcrisis #anotherworldispossible

Last updated 2 years ago

redmp (EDITED) · @redmp
82 followers · 314 posts · Server

"The worst realities of our age are manufactured realities. It is therefore our task, as creative participants in the universe, to redream our world. The fact of possessing imagination means that everything can be redreamed. Each reality can have its alternative possibilities."
(Ben Okri's essay collection "A Way of Being Free")

Heard on


Last updated 2 years ago

Dustsailor · @Dustsailor
394 followers · 623 posts · Server

"Wir sind hier, wir sind Viele,
haltet euch an Klimaziele."

Der Globale Klimastreik von in der Landeshauptstadt von .



📷 Demonstrationszug auf der B76,

#fridaysforfuture #schleswigholstein #TomorrowIsTooLate #anotherworldispossible #climatejustice #kiel

Last updated 2 years ago

Lützerath bleibt! · @LuetziBleibt
2196 followers · 863 posts · Server

Organise yourselves! You're the change! Be the Voice of those who're oppressed,jailed,killed..Under oppression, Colonial continuity and dictatorship! Be the voice of the people on the move! Be in solidarity and join the Anti-colonial block! !


Last updated 2 years ago

Deborah Rose Reeves · @deborahrosereeves
491 followers · 924 posts · Server

Oftentimes, the same people 'liking' and boosting abolitionist content have a punitive mindset and are not unlike cops in their interactions with others.

Abolition isn't just a theory it doesn't apply solely to professional policing and incarceration.

A true commitment to abolition requires a commitment to practicing the principles and values of abolition in one’s everyday life.

#abolition #anotherworldispossible

Last updated 2 years ago

Deborah Rose Reeves · @deborahrosereeves
486 followers · 909 posts · Server

"But don’t get me wrong. We are not abandoning our communities to violence. We don’t want to just close police departments. We want to make them obsolete.

We should redirect the billions that now go to police departments toward providing health care, housing, education and good jobs. If we did this, there would be less need for the police in the first place.

We can build other ways of responding to harms in our society."

#MariameKaba #anotherworldispossible

Last updated 2 years ago

Deborah Rose Reeves · @deborahrosereeves
486 followers · 908 posts · Server

Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police.

Because reform won’t happen.

"Enough. We can’t reform the police. The only way to diminish police violence is to reduce contact between the public and the police." - Mariame Kaba

#police #abolition #abolishpolice #anotherworldispossible #MariameKaba

Last updated 2 years ago

arccyclist :verified_gay: · @christopherd
368 followers · 1703 posts · Server

A cousin drops me back at the station to catch the 5pm Wellington-Auckland train, to arrive at Kikikikiroa at 8pm, where I take the 8.30pm train to Rotorua. Easy peasy. Price would be $, not $$, and meals would be available on board.

Massive savings in C02 - I emitted around 7.8kg for this trip. Much less stress.


Last updated 2 years ago

Ju 🇪🇺 🏳️‍🌈 · @ju_and_the_cats
160 followers · 542 posts · Server

How does modern society work:

...buying things because you don't have time to make things because you have to work to buy things and produce things that other people buy because they don't have time to make things because they have to work to buy things...

In your free time: buy things as an hobby to distract yourself from the fact that you have to work to buy things that you don't have time to do because you have to work...


Last updated 2 years ago

JB_SCOTTY · @jb_nerd
312 followers · 5213 posts · Server


Bilder der Entschlossenheit vom heutigen Tag. ✊

Wir stehen für Klimagerechtigkeit und würden lieber kuscheln als kämpfen, aber solange Profite über Menschenleben stehen, seht ihr uns hinter den Barrikaden! ♥️



#lutzibleibt #anotherworldispossible

Last updated 2 years ago

Stefan Müller :verified: · @StefanMuelller
1086 followers · 474 posts · Server

Yes, @langscipress works well. Textbooks with 80.000 downloads. handbook with 10.000 downloads in a year. If maximal distribution of knowledge is what you want, publish . Language Science Press is non-commercial. Neither authors nor readers pay.

If you want to set up a community run publishing house for your discipline, we are happy to help.

#anotherworldispossible #openaccess #hpsg

Last updated 2 years ago

Rat (she/her) · @TheRatCantRead
62 followers · 312 posts · Server

I think if we were to feel the full weight of everything has taken from us, if we were to direct that and rage at our leaders who abandoned us to isolation, disease and death, the power of those feelings would be unstoppable. We would tear down this world that oppresses us and try to build a new one.


#covid #grief #pandemic #CovidIsNotOver #anotherworldispossible

Last updated 2 years ago