#推歌 #anpu
train to heaven
let's talk Yinepu.
Yinepu, also known as Anpu or Anubis, is a god of the dead and embalming. He is a psychopomp. He leads the dead to the afterlife. Yinepu is most often depicted as a jackal headed man or a jackal. He is one of the most well known and popular deities within the kemetic pantheon. Everyone has atleast heard of Anubis, if not heard his other names.
Yinepu is regionally either a child of Wesir or Set. Nebthet is his mother but in some cases it is Aset who raises him. He also is part of the aspected diety Yinepu-Wepwawet/Wepwawet-Yinepu. Wepwawet is another jackal headed diety who is known to be a warrior and a psychopomp. They are two sides of the same coin.
Yinepu has been in my life for quite some times. He taught me about the spirits and introduced me to his mother Nebthet to learn much more. He is not the loudest of deities and works in a time scale that is so beyond human it can seem like forever before you hear from him again. He is very busy after all.
#kemetic #kemeticpolytheism #kemeticism #egyptianpaganism #egyptiangods #mythology #paganism #pagan #anubis #yinepu #anpu #ancestors #psychopomp #jackal
#Kemetic #kemeticpolytheism #kemeticism #egyptianpaganism #egyptiangods #mythology #paganism #Pagan #anubis #yinepu #anpu #ancestors #psychopomp #jackal
Iset and her adopted son; Anpu ❤️
#anubis #anpu #isis #iset #aset #egyptology #ancientegypt #mythology #myth
#myth #mythology #ancientegypt #egyptology #aset #iset #isis #anpu #anubis
十年一次的 #潮水箴言 帶來的意涵,或許是青春的盼望寄託在歌手身上,不論是當時的張懸,或是眼前的安溥,走過歲月以後,那些沒有被完成的細節都有了新的層次。她今年重新檢驗自己,向自己承諾「不求得失」過完每一天,專注每個當下,在每一個年代都能給予祝福,在不同的時代繼續鼓勵彼此、轉化及蛻變。
謝謝安溥分享生命中最重要的歌曲,以及讓人激昂的人生哲學talking,在寒冬的年末溫暖著每一個人,我們也都有勇氣面對尚未崩壞的內心。 #安溥 #張懸 #anpu #DesertsChang
#潮水箴言 #安溥 #張懸 #anpu #DesertsChang
Anubis judging a soul. #Anubis #Anpu #Inpu #foremostofthewesterners #penandink #alcoholmarkers #WerewolfWednesday
#anubis #anpu #inpu #foremostofthewesterners #penandink #alcoholmarkers #werewolfwednesday
Humor #archaeology #Humor #Anpu(Anubis)#ammut #Osiris
#archaeology #Humor #anpu #osiris