Welcome to the new #Ansible Community Forum!
Wanted to share a recent project of mine from past few weeks to turn my #nanopi r5s #sbc into a really potent pure debian Linux router that was sane to manage.
I was able to successfully switch over this weekend and retire my edgerouter-6p.
The formula is basically #ansible #systemd stuff #netplan #dnsmasq #frrouting and #foomuuri -- the lynchpin solution for sanely doing robust zone-to-zone firewalls using #nftables
Repo linked below has more details:
#nanopi #sbc #ansible #systemd #netplan #dnsmasq #frrouting #foomuuri #nftables
📯 The Bullhorn 115
#Ansible #Community #newsletter
- New Ansible Community Forum https://forum.ansible.com/
- Ansible Community Day, Berlin on Sept 20
- Ansible Contributor Summit 2023.10
More news:
- amazon.aws 6.4.0 and 5.5.4 released
- vote on supported ansible-core versions for community.general
- Ansible Zürich meetup on Sept 12
#ansible #community #newsletter
ara records #ansible 1.7.0rc1 has been released !
The full changelog is available in the repository: https://github.com/ansible-community/ara/releases/tag/1.7.0rc1
You can help test the upcoming release with the instructions from this post: https://fosstodon.org/@ara/110964883435681543
If there are no issues it will be released sometime next week along with a blog post to comment on the highlights of this new version.
Spending this afternoon with going through the CI/CD pipeline videos „Network Automation Simplified“ from NetGru and building my own setup with it. There will be covered several topics which are important for my #DevNet Expert lab exam preparation like #Gitlab #Docker #Ansible and #pyATS. Anybody else followed along the videos? #CCDevE #CiscoCert #CiscoChampion
#DevNet #gitlab #docker #ansible #pyats #ccdeve #ciscocert #ciscochampion
I'm truly happy to announce the release of my #Ansible collection MMN or Managemynetwork.
It's targeted to handle a lot of different basic tasks people generally need to do the basic system setup.
Documentation: https://wiki.junicast.de/en/junicast/docs/AnsibleManagemynetworkCollection
Source Code: https://github.com/imp1sh/ansible_managemynetwork
Galaxy: https://galaxy.ansible.com/imp1sh/ansible_managemynetwork
Feel free to use / contribute / ask!
Does anyone know a good repository that provides some IaC approach to provision multiple #Wordpress sites on one server (possibly using #terraform + #ansible)?
I have some ideas, but I don't want to write everything from scratch...
Tnx 🙏
#wordpress #terraform #ansible
Ein neuer Forumbeitrag: https://linux-nerds.org/topic/1500/ansible-proxmox-server-bearbeiten 1500/ansible-proxmox-server-bearbeiten #ansible #proxmox #semaphore #linux
#ansible #proxmox #semaphore #linux
Übrigens mit community.general.proxmox_snap & community.general.proxmox_kvm hat man volle Kontrolle mit Ansible über Proxmox, VM's erstellen, löschen, State ändern und Snapshots erstellen, zurück rollen, etc alles kein Problem. Wer braucht da schon Terraform 😉 #ansible #automation #proxmox #terraform
#terraform #proxmox #automation #ansible
Heading to Red Hat & Intel Open Tour Vilnius. We have an exciting program, check it out: http://www.redhat.com/en/events/open-tour-vilnius-2023
Pasimatysime rytoj!
#RedHat #Intel #OpenTour #Vilnius #opensource #Ansible #Automation
#redhat #intel #opentour #vilnius #opensource #ansible #automation
@markuswerle @stdevel Also, there is a container image for #opensuse with #ansible in the #opensuse registry.
Did you know that ara tests itself using #Ansible ?
Because why not ?
And then, when something inevitably fails, we have a detailed report of what happened since it was recorded by ara !
Except, well, in this particular case, it's a test that tests a new feature to optionally disable task content recording 😅
... but we can test for that too !
There are still unit tests for the API server and such but this allows us to /really/ test how Ansible and ara behaves without mocking interfaces.
I'm happy to share that I have been promoted to Senior DevOps Engineer position in the KodeKloud Engineer program!
Gain free hands-on experience from here: https://engineer.kodekloud.com/signup?referral=64ad8f24803455eea0a8a5e0
#devops #linux #git #docker #kubernetes #ansible #jenkins
#devops #linux #Git #docker #kubernetes #ansible #jenkins
I just learned a great #Ansible trick. Maybe y'all already know this, but just in case...
If you have playbooks that have multiple plays, or that import other playbooks, and you don't want to waste time repeatedly gathering facts from the same hosts, you can do this at the beginning of any play:
- hosts: [whatever]
gather_facts: no
- setup:
when: ansible_date_time is not defined
This makes the play gather facts only if needed.
#IT #SRE #Orchestration #DevOps
#ansible #it #sre #orchestration #devops
#JeRecrute (l'entreprise dans laquelle je travaille) à #Nantes un⋅e admin système
#Linux #LXC #Ansible #Docker #LogicielLibre
#TéléTravail partiel (jusqu'à 3 jours par semaine)
#teletravail #logiciellibre #docker #ansible #lxc #linux #nantes #jerecrute
#Ansible etc. use techniques similar to scripting to reach the desired state. Like using pacman to install a package on arch. #NixOS does it slightly different when it comes to integrating the package to the system. Too hard to explain on 300 char limit 😁
I do agree nix is hard for beginners to get into (and it is not for everyone), but as a server guy you should try to get some insights. It will be worth it.
#ansible is really nice when it works. When you have PEBKAC issues, not so much. But I now have a third #proxmox node provisioned.
I really should get my head around #kubernetes at some point.