Andy Baker · @Andbaker
578 followers · 939 posts · Server

Thank you to Bernadette Zanet and her team at Yarrangobilly Caves for supporting another fruitful research visit this week.

UNSW alumnus and data analyst Rebecca Chapman returned to explain all about her research on the hydrology at the Harrie Wood Cave. Her novel application of a statistical method called 'functional data analysis' has been submitted for publication, and there is a pre-print available here:

We welcome all comments and feedback.

I had the opportunity to download the latest hydrology data from the caves, now a 12-year record of water movement from the surface to the groundwater. And also help out with some questions on cave climate monitoring. And catch some wonderful views.

The pre-print is "Spatiotemporal Variation in Cave Percolation Waters: A Functional Approach" with co-authors Shawn Laffan (UNSW), Monika Markowska (MPIC) and Liza McDonough (ANSTO) and is another collaboration between UNSW and ANSTO.

#research #water #science #groundwater #statistics #caves #climate #rain #hydrology #datascience #UNSW #ansto

Last updated 1 year ago

Andy Baker · @Andbaker
568 followers · 926 posts · Server

Congratulations to my groundwater friends and colleagues at ANSTO, who appear to have swept the boards at their award night.

ANSTO is Australia's nuclear science organization, running a research reactor to generate isotopes used in the health sector.

And they have an environmental isotopes team, which is where I collaborate. So: congratulations to Dr Karina Meredith (Excellence in Research), Liza McDonough (early-mid career award) and all of the groundwater team

#ansto #groundwater #science #environment #nuclear

Last updated 1 year ago

retsil · @retsil
22 followers · 92 posts · Server

It's all sorted with a little help from


Last updated 1 year ago

Dr Micha Campbell · @michcampbell
422 followers · 732 posts · Server

Our @unsw / team is presenting at today! We're in session BG1.2, poster Hall A, from 2pm until the coffee break. Come and see as at A.191, A.202 and A.203 to see what we've been up to in the world.

#paleofire #palaeofire #speleothem #EGU23 #ansto

Last updated 2 years ago

Andy Baker · @Andbaker
495 followers · 708 posts · Server

Over the last few years, we (Pauline Treble, @michcampbell, Liza McDonough, @unsw and ANSTO) have been establishing a new methodology to obtain records of fire history. It uses cave stalagmites as the archive of past fires, a novel approach for cave science and fire research communities.

Why use cave stalagmites to record fire history? They can contain exceptionally long and continuous annual laminae that allow us to count back in time very precisely. And this allows the precise determination of fire frequency in the past, which is measured using high-resolution geochemical techniques such as laser ablation mass spectrometry and synchrotron elemental mapping.

Next week, Liza, Micha and Pauline present our most recent results at the EGU General Assembly in Vienna. If you are interested, the abstracts are accessible to everyone using the links below.

Speleothems as archives for palaeofire proxies by Micheline Campbell et al.

Hydrological conceptual model for reconstructing fire history from cave stalagmites by Pauline Treble et al.

An annually resolved stalagmite record of fire frequency for the last 250 years in south west Australia by Liza McDonough et al.

#research #academia #science #caves #fire #wildfire #scicomm #environment #geology #UNSW #ansto

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr Micha Campbell · @michcampbell
363 followers · 320 posts · Server

Absolutely blown away that they FOUND THE TINY RADIOACTIVE CAPSULE missing in Western Australia!!! An awesome new piece of kit from was instrumental


Last updated 2 years ago

Andy Baker · @Andbaker
207 followers · 131 posts · Server

Are you interested in fire history, and novel methods for obtaining records of past fires.

At the EGU General Assembly in April 2023, please consider attending the session "Novel proxies for understanding past fires: outcomes for land and ecosystem management".

My colleague @michcampbell is co-convening and she'd love to see you there!

EGU23 will be fully hybrid, and she welcomes submissions from online attendants.


#academia #research #fire #climate #wildfire #egu23 #UNSW #ansto #conference

Last updated 2 years ago

Andy Baker · @Andbaker
159 followers · 74 posts · Server

Next week we have a poster of our latest research at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting ().

What are we presenting about? Our use of stalagmites as archives of past fires

Why use stalagmites? They have a very high resolution, meaning that we can count annual growth layers and identify the frequency of fires in the past.

How do we do it? We detect the ash-derived elements that are transported from the surface to the cave in drip waters

And the poster? Is about how the oxygen and carbon isotope composition of stalagmites is also affected by fires

For anyone interested, here's the session details:

Quantifying the fire imprint in speleothem oxygen and carbon isotope records
Final Paper Number: PP25C-0894
Tuesday, December 13th; 2:45 PM - 6:15 PM (Chicago time)
Location:  online iPoster  and Zoom link

There's a copy of the poster below.

#agu22 #fire #stalagmites #caves #science #environment #earthscience #academia #UNSW #ansto

Last updated 2 years ago