Cyclops · @cyclops
177 followers · 1277 posts · Server

New demon NPC!

Mara Hyrrokkin is a masterful manipulator, her personality a woven meld of seduction, guile, and an unquenchable lust for power. Born from the Ocean of Dreams and cast into the Dark Aether, her trials have forged her into a being who grasps the fragile equilibrium between light and darkness. She stands as the very embodiment of consequence, reminding all that every deed, no matter how trifling, carries its aftermath.

#antagonist #creativewriting #characters #characterdesign #rpg #ffrp #worldbuilding #demon #demongirl #succubus

Last updated 1 year ago

ADHDean · @adhdeanasl
3839 followers · 13883 posts · Server


Last updated 1 year ago

`Da Elf · @elfin
167 followers · 4376 posts · Server

Diese Woche habe ich einen kleinen für geschrieben. Über könnt ihr so Auftrag, und bestimmen.
Viel Spaß bei Lesen, !

#missionsgenerator #action #rollenspiel #zufallstabelle #location #antagonist #pnpde

Last updated 1 year ago

WordofTheHour · @wordofthehour
2280 followers · 36497 posts · Server

: a medicine which opposes the action of another medicine or of a poison when absorbed into the blood or tissues

- German: der Antagonist

- Italian: antagonista

- Portuguese: antagonista

- Spanish: antagonista


Thank you so much for being a member of our community!


Last updated 1 year ago

Sebrina Eden · @SebEdenWrites
138 followers · 1089 posts · Server

Happy Tuesday everyone! I think I know why I was struggling with the rewrite of a I've attempted to write a gazillion times. Going to try something different and start the story from the perspective of the . Here's hoping I'll get some words in before the heat really pours through

#antagonist #wip

Last updated 1 year ago

Dave Dawkins · @golgaloth
841 followers · 5778 posts · Server

Remember, the real baddie is always some rich white guy.

#amwriting #writing #antagonist

Last updated 1 year ago

TheRetroSven · @theretrosven
398 followers · 6177 posts · Server

Hallöchen meine , es ist mal wieder so weit, ich habe eine ganz frische für euch😊

Habt ihr schonmal einen so richtig gehasst? Dabei ist es ganz gleich, ob ihr den Charakter einfach nicht leiden könnt oder ein euer Blut zum Kochen bringt.

Mir kommen da gleich, neben den Klassikern wie den Händen aus den Zelda Games als Erstes die Samurai und Ninja von in den Sinn. Wie oft sie mich schon gekillt haben.....😂

#Mastonauten #frage #Videospiel #charakter #antagonist #wonderboy #games #Videospiele

Last updated 1 year ago

RS, Author, Novelist · @sfwrtr
247 followers · 1154 posts · Server

@adaddinsane @JoanGrey @allisonwyss So I can join the club! Yay!

As for the novel rewrites, I'm doing one in a microcosm. I found a compelling novelette I wrote in another medium and have started adapting it to the universe I for commercial release. If you've being following my responses to writing wonders, this one will star my Rainy Days as the in 1st person. So far it's a lot of transcription and translation, but some parts simply won't work and will have to be reimagined. Not sure if that's or not. 😇​

#sff #amwriting #antagonist #protagonist #writeonce

Last updated 2 years ago

Devon Ellington · @DevonEllington
185 followers · 1021 posts · Server

This Topic Workbook will help you create exciting antagonists that truly challenge the protagonists in your work, creating interesting, exciting, complex characters.

#writing #topicworkbooks #skills #antagonist

Last updated 2 years ago

Amber · @Kohaku_Dragon
84 followers · 246 posts · Server

Some sketches I made of one of my oc villains, Fenrir! I was practicing drawing his expressions and liked how these turned out. He’s important to the story so I’m hoping to draw him and the rest of the rival space pirate crew more.


#antagonist #villain #workinprogress #wip #drawing #sketch #CharacterDesign #spacepirate #SciFi #myocs #KohakuDragonOCs #OriginalCharacter #oc

Last updated 2 years ago

WordofTheHour · @wordofthehour
2204 followers · 33239 posts · Server

: a medicine which opposes the action of another medicine or of a poison when absorbed into the blood or tissues

- German: der Antagonist

- Italian: antagonista

- Portuguese: antagonista

- Spanish: antagonista


Thank you so much for being a member of our community!


Last updated 2 years ago

@wagesof Hmmmm, now I'm applying your analysis to my own WIPs. My space opera WIP features both Big V villains and antagonists of a subtler variety. My grimdark epic fantasy WIP follows a similar trajectory. So, I guess you could say that I like exploring antagonism in all its forms, whether it's writ large or small.🤣

@allisonwyss @wildarchaic

#character #Writing #villain #antagonist #author #authorsofmastodon #writer #writersofmastodon #discussion #writercommunity #writingcommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

@allisonwyss And this only just scratches the surface of the variables, of course. This is probably why fiction is just as fascinating as real life. @wildarchaic

#discussion #character #villain #antagonist #Writing #fiction

Last updated 2 years ago

@allisonwyss It's a fascinating question because there are so many variables leading to an infinite number of outcomes. It's like one of those "choose your own adventure" stories but as it applies to an antagonist's development. For starters, since humans can be catalysts for each other, WHO do they meet & how does this affect their development? Also, what types of ideas they do encounter? What's their general environment like & how does it change, if at all? @wildarchaic

#Writing #antagonist

Last updated 2 years ago

@allisonwyss After a while, I do think that one's cumulative choices/actions/responses solidify into (i.e., become) (in the sense of the word as it applies to ) and then also can become an integral part of one's . So, the original premise without any further qualification has its limits (i.e., Hitler, Pol Pot, etc.). However, once one does evil is redemption possible? That's a timeless question.😀 @wildarchaic

#psychology #villain #antagonist #Writing #identity #integrity #character

Last updated 2 years ago

Sebrina Eden · @SebEdenWrites
132 followers · 938 posts · Server

A Mean Green Mother From Outer Space from Little Shop of Horrors is now a theme song for an , and I'm living for the energy

#amwriting #antagonist

Last updated 2 years ago

KDSmith_Writer · @KDSmith_Writer
460 followers · 181 posts · Server

Day 12

12-What do your MC and antagonist have in common? Since my two MCs are each other's antagonists, they have each other and their common history. They have immaturity. They have egos. They have fear.

#writingwonders #WritingCommunity #writers #authors #authorsofmastodon #americansouth #Appalachia #writersofmastodon #amwriting #wip #mastowriter #mastowriters #antagonist

Last updated 2 years ago

KDSmith_Writer · @KDSmith_Writer
459 followers · 173 posts · Server
RC Hopgood · @rchopgood
175 followers · 520 posts · Server

I love finding stuff like this.
This real life is the almost exact business card the in my carried at one point in his life. He is that guy.

#businesscard #antagonist #villain #manuscript #writerslife #writers

Last updated 2 years ago