I feel like I am just scratching the surface on Antagony, but it is just blowing me away.
How this novel hasn't been translated earlier is a huge disservice to the English speaking world. I need to work on my Spanish to read his untranslated works.
If you are a fan of Proust, Joyce or Gaddis you will love Luis Goytisolo.
#antagony #reading #Books #proust #joyce #gaddis #Goytisolo
Here's the first published review of #Antagony, courtesy of The Complete Review: https://www.complete-review.com/reviews/espana/goytisolol.htm
Thrilled to announce the recent publication of my translation of the #Antagony tetralogy by Luis Goytisolo, a project I started in January 2013. Written as a single novel but originally published in four installments from 1973-1981, Antagony is comprises: (1)Recounting (2) The Greens of May Down to the Sea (3) The Wrath of Achilles (4) Theory of Knowledge by Raúl Ferrer Gaminde. Published by Dalkey Archive Press. Available now!
"A direct experience of reality, immediate, tangible, epidermic, life on the jagged edge, raw naked life-"
The breakdown of the four books in the tetralogy. #ANTAGONY
@BPRileyCTSp2Eng@twitter.com @Dalkey_Archive@twitter.com
Today is the official publication day for #Antagony by Luis Goytisolo, translated by Brendan Riley (888pp, paperback) #DalkeyArchive I've already ordered my copy from an actual brick & mortar neighborhood bookstore. Looking forward to reading and discussing with fellow bookish Mastodonians.