#VesselAlert #Ship #Vessel #AIS
Name: #ANTARES #MMSI: #311000231
Callsign: #C6BD4 Type: #Tanker #Hazard cat C
#Flag: #Bahamas Msgs recvd: 10
Seen on: 12-Sep-2023 03:57:43 EDT
Status: #anchored
Heading: 265 deg Destination: USBOS
Signal #RSSI: -5.9 dBFS
Vessel location:
#kx1t Join us! https://vesselalert.com
#vesselalert #ship #vessel #ais #antares #mmsi #c6bd4 #tanker #hazard #flag #bahamas #anchored #rssi #kx1t
#VesselAlert #Ship #Vessel #AIS #NEW #FIRST Observation
Name: #ANTARES #MMSI: #311000231
Callsign: #C6BD4 Type: #Tanker #Hazard cat C
#Flag: #Bahamas Msgs recvd: 10
Seen on: 10-Sep-2023 22:33:46 EDT
Status: #anchored
Speed: 0.1 kts Heading: 336 deg Destination: USBOS
Signal #RSSI: -7.6 dBFS
Vessel location:
#kx1t Join us! https://vesselalert.com
#vesselalert #ship #vessel #ais #new #first #antares #mmsi #c6bd4 #tanker #hazard #flag #bahamas #anchored #rssi #kx1t
Weltweit begannen gestern endlich wieder Bedeckungen des mag 1 hellen Stern #Antares durch den Mond. Von den 68 Bedeckungen, die bis zum 27.08.2028 stattfinden, ist leider nur eine einzige von Deutschland aus zu beobachten. Das wird am Nachmittag des 18.10.2023 sein.
Northrop Grumman and Firefly’s Antares 330 and MLV plans take shape
As the Cygnus S.S. Laurel Clark spends its first days berthed to the ISS, the… The post Northrop Grumman and Firefly’s Antares 330 and MLV plans take shape appeared first on NASASpaceFlight.com .
#Featured #ISS #Northrop_Grumman #Antares #Antares_330 #FireFly #MLV #Wallops
#featured #iss #northrop_grumman #antares #antares_330 #firefly #mlv #wallops
Got to watch the last #Antares 230 series launch from #Wallops on Tuesday. Heading up for #ISS resupply and to deliver some #science #experiments via the #Cygnus cargo vessel. Capture expected tomorrow. This was pretty incredible to watch in person, the video didn't really capture the way the sound felt.
#antares #wallops #iss #science #experiments #cygnus
Ars Technica: A flawless Cygnus launch brings eras to a close https://arstechnica.com/?p=1958346 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #NorthropGrumman #Spaceflight #Science #antares #Wallops #Cygnus #Space #iss
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #northropgrumman #spaceflight #science #antares #wallops #cygnus #space #iss
A flawless Cygnus launch brings eras to a close - Enlarge (credit: NASA)
WALLOPS ISLAND, Va.—I had been told tha... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1958346 #northropgrumman #spaceflight #science #antares #wallops #cygnus #space #iss
#iss #space #cygnus #wallops #antares #science #spaceflight #northropgrumman
Gizmodo: Launch Success for NASA and Northrop Grumman as Antares Deploys Cygnus to ISS https://gizmodo.com/antares-230-makes-its-final-flight-to-iss-for-nasa-1850695262 #midatlanticregionalspaceport #commercialresupplyservices #northropgrumman #sslaurelclark #slaurelclark #laurelclark #cygnusng11 #cygnusng18 #sallyride #antares #cygnus #nasa
#midatlanticregionalspaceport #commercialresupplyservices #northropgrumman #sslaurelclark #slaurelclark #laurelclark #cygnusng11 #cygnusng18 #sallyride #antares #cygnus #nasa
I just finished flying my kite this evening, and as I was walking back I saw what looked like a huge jet flying through the sky.
Turns out it was the Antares rocket flying out of Wallops! Serendipity at its finest!
#Antares #Iss #NorthCarolina #OuterBanks #Serendipity #Virginia #Wallops
#antares #iss #northcarolina #outerbanks #serendipity #virginia #wallops
The answer to "can you see a Wallops Island rocket launch from Nationals Park through haze and above the ballpark lights?" seems to be "no," at least for tonight. #antares
'Last Antares rocket using Russian, Ukrainian parts to launch space station cargo'
'With the retiring of the Antares 230+ series of rockets, Northrop Grumman is ending its partnerships with the Ukrainian company, Yuzhmash State Enterprise, which manufactured the first stage of the rocket; and the Russian company, NPO Energomash, which provided the RD-181 engine used on the' 1st stage
#Russia #Ukraine #Russian #Ukrainian #rocket #space #launch #Antares #NorthrupGrumman
#northrupgrumman #antares #launch #Space #rocket #ukrainian #Russian #Ukraine #Russia
#NorthropGrumman's final #Antares* launch tonight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0PQdwLySAQ
* Powered by two #Russian 🇷🇺 -made engines affixed to the bottom of a first-stage #booster built in #Ukraine 🇺🇦 https://arstechnica.com/space/2023/07/end-of-the-line-for-russia-and-ukraines-partnership-in-rocketry/
#northropgrumman #antares #russian #booster #ukraine #cygnus #iss #spacelogistics
Antares 230+ farewell launch to fly S.S. Laurel Clark to ISS
The final flight of the Antares 230+ launch vehicle, marking the end of the career… The post Antares 230+ farewell launch to fly S.S. Laurel Clark to ISS appeared first on NASASpaceFlight.com .
#Featured #ISS #Northrop_Grumman #Antares #CRS #Cygnus #Expedition_69 #Pad_0A #Wallops
#featured #iss #northrop_grumman #antares #crs #cygnus #expedition_69 #pad_0a #wallops
Gizmodo: Watch Live as an Antares 230+ Rocket Attempts Its Final Flight to the ISS for NASA https://gizmodo.com/antares-230-makes-its-final-flight-to-iss-for-nasa-1850695262 #midatlanticregionalspaceport #northropgrumman #laurelclark #cygnusng13 #cygnusng18 #sallyride #antares #cygnus #nasa
#midatlanticregionalspaceport #northropgrumman #laurelclark #cygnusng13 #cygnusng18 #sallyride #antares #cygnus #nasa
End of the line for Russia and Ukraine’s partnership in rocketry - Enlarge / Northrop Grumman's Antares rocket rolls out of its hangar at ... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1957889 #internationalspacestation #northropgrumman #science #antares #ukraine #wallops #cygnus #russia #space
#space #russia #cygnus #wallops #ukraine #antares #science #northropgrumman #internationalspacestation
Launch Roundup: SpaceX to launch Galaxy 37; China to launch FY-3F
Breaking into the 31st week of 2023, from July 31 to Aug. 6, not much… The post Launch Roundup: SpaceX to launch Galaxy 37; China to launch FY-3F appeared first on NASASpaceFlight.com .
#Chinese #Featured #Northrop_Grumman #SpaceX #Uncrewed #Antares #CZ4C #Electron #f9 #Falcon_9 #FY3F #JRTI #Rocket_Lab #SLC40
#chinese #featured #northrop_grumman #spacex #uncrewed #antares #cz4c #electron #f9 #falcon_9 #fy3f #jrti #rocket_lab #slc40
Dschubba – Delta Scorpii
Op zomeravonden op het noordelijk halfrond zien we de Schorpioen en Delta Scorpii – Dschubba laag boven de zuidelijke horizon. Voor kijkers op het zuidelijk halfrond bevinden beiden zich veel hoger aan de sterrenhemel
#antares #DeltaScorpii #dschubba #EruptiefVeranderlijkeSter #GammaCassiopeiae #ster #VeranderlijkeSter
#veranderlijkester #ster #gammacassiopeiae #eruptiefveranderlijkester #dschubba #deltascorpii #antares
Antares – het hart van de schorpioen
De heldere ster Antares – alpha Scorpii – is een typische ster voor de zomermaanden. De ster bevindt zich in het sterrenbeeld Schorpioen dat hier in Nederland maar gedeeltelijk boven de horizon komt.
#ster #scorpius #schorpioen #mars #Betelgeuze #antares