(please see the above thread) 👆
#agrana #agriculturalbankofchina #airchina #airserbia #alibaba #aligntechnology #alpinaziri #alumil #anadoluefes #AntGroup #antasports #antal #anydesksoftware #aristongroup #auchanretail #aumariester
The latest company from #China to severe its ties to the #NBA is #ANTASports. Seeing *privately held* companies following #Beijing's lead in a hyper-nationalist overreaction to the opinion of ONE individual goes to show that there is no such thing as an independent, privately run economy in this increasingly #totalitarian and #fascist state. The lesson is clear: Not to shut up, but to steer clear of China and #StandByHongKong.
#china #nba #antasports #beijing #totalitarian #fascist #standbyhongkong