Love this shot from earlier in the fall: Monarch butterfly sipping nectar from the extra-floral nectaries along lip of a #Sarracenia leucophylla #PitcherPlant. Main prey items for these #CarnivorousPlants are flies, bees & wasps, but butterflies sometimes visit too. This particular plant is an #anthocyanin free mutant lacking red pigmentation.
#sarracenia #pitcherplant #carnivorousplants #anthocyanin
To me, cranberries are basically a cyanidin 3-glucoside sauce. #phytochemist #anthocyanin
#TansleyInsight: Activation of #anthocyanin #biosynthesis in high light – what is the initial signal? by and Andreas S. Richter.
#tansleyinsight #anthocyanin #biosynthesis