/More love and goodness from Rupert Murdoch's "The New York Post/
Masks don't work against COVID-19 and Dr. Fauci should stop talking
> To them, Anthony Fauci was a saint, whose every word was their command, and just when we thought we’d seen the back of him, he’s back on our TV screens to gaslight us all again.
https://nypost.com/2023/09/06/masks-dont-work-against-covid-19-and-dr-fauci-should-stop-talking/ #Masking #Masks #Fauci #AnthonyFauci #covid19 #covid
#COVID #COVID19 #anthonyfauci #fauci #masks #masking
1/ Leaked messages from the authors of the 2020 "Proximal Origin" paper, which denied COVID-19's lab origin, expose scientific fraud and misconduct as they express disbelief in their paper's own conclusions.
dr #AnthonyFauci, an advocate of gain-of-function research, secretly commissioned the paper and later cited it at the White House podium to dismiss the lab leak theory as a "conspiracy theory."
The Onion: RFK Jr.’s Most Outrageous Remarks https://www.theonion.com/rfk-jr-s-most-outrageous-remarks-1850656814 #culturaldepictionsofjohnfkennedy #liberalismintheunitedstates #noninterventionism #josephpkennedysr #robertfkennedyjr #josephkennedysr #robertfkennedy #bouvierfamily #jennymccarthy #johnfkennedy #anthonyfauci #coldwarfilms #americasbest #redbull #jesus #jfk
#culturaldepictionsofjohnfkennedy #liberalismintheunitedstates #noninterventionism #josephpkennedysr #robertfkennedyjr #josephkennedysr #robertfkennedy #bouvierfamily #jennymccarthy #johnfkennedy #anthonyfauci #coldwarfilms #americasbest #redbull #jesus #jfk
The Onion: RFK Jr.’s Most Outrageous Remarks https://www.theonion.com/rfk-jr-s-most-outrageous-remarks-1850656814 #culturaldepictionsofjohnfkennedy #liberalismintheunitedstates #noninterventionism #josephpkennedysr #robertfkennedyjr #josephkennedysr #robertfkennedy #bouvierfamily #jennymccarthy #johnfkennedy #anthonyfauci #coldwarfilms #americasbest #redbull #jesus #jfk
#culturaldepictionsofjohnfkennedy #liberalismintheunitedstates #noninterventionism #josephpkennedysr #robertfkennedyjr #josephkennedysr #robertfkennedy #bouvierfamily #jennymccarthy #johnfkennedy #anthonyfauci #coldwarfilms #americasbest #redbull #jesus #jfk
In February 2020, #AnthonyFauci privately told scientists that COVID-19 could have been created at the Wuhan lab because "scientists in Wuhan University" were "working on gain-of-function experiments to determine the molecular mechanisms associated with bat viruses adapting to human infection, and the outbreak originated in Wuhan."
Gizmodo: Judge Upholds Ban on Feds Asking Social Media Companies to Take Down Posts https://gizmodo.com/facebook-instagram-judge-uphold-ban-white-house-contact-1850624042 #netchoicevpaxton #freedomofspeech #disinformation #misinformation #terryadoughty #anthonyfauci #socialmedia #hunterbiden #donaldtrump #carlszabo #netchoice #deception #joebiden #politics #facebook #google #meta #rt
#netchoicevpaxton #freedomofspeech #disinformation #misinformation #terryadoughty #anthonyfauci #socialmedia #hunterbiden #donaldtrump #carlszabo #netchoice #deception #joebiden #politics #facebook #google #meta #rt
Gizmodo: Biden Appeals Judge's Ban on Government Asking for Social Media Takedowns https://gizmodo.com/facebook-biden-ban-government-takedown-requests-1850610923 #firstamendmenttotheunitedstatesconstitution #knightfirstamendmentinstitutevtrump #presidencyofjoebiden #misinformation #disinformation #ninajankowicz #terryadoughty #anthonyfauci #jameeljaffer #socialmedia #hunterbiden #donaldtrump #section230 #deception #yoelroth #politics #elonmusk #gizmodo #twitter #google #biden
#firstamendmenttotheunitedstatesconstitution #knightfirstamendmentinstitutevtrump #presidencyofjoebiden #misinformation #disinformation #ninajankowicz #terryadoughty #anthonyfauci #jameeljaffer #socialmedia #hunterbiden #donaldtrump #section230 #deception #yoelroth #politics #elonmusk #gizmodo #twitter #google #biden
Gizmodo: Judge Claims Biden's Contacts With Tech Platforms Amount to an Orwellian 'Ministry of Truth' https://gizmodo.com/judge-bars-biden-from-contacting-social-media-companies-1850605811 #firstamendmenttotheunitedstatesconstitution #knightfirstamendmentinstitutevtrump #freedomofspeechintheunitedstates #netchoicevpaxton #terryadoughty #anthonyfauci #jameeljaffer #twitterfiles #veraeidelman #hunterbiden #socialmedia #donaldtrump #section230 #carlszabo #joebiden #politics #bigtech #google #biden
#firstamendmenttotheunitedstatesconstitution #knightfirstamendmentinstitutevtrump #freedomofspeechintheunitedstates #netchoicevpaxton #terryadoughty #anthonyfauci #jameeljaffer #twitterfiles #veraeidelman #hunterbiden #socialmedia #donaldtrump #section230 #carlszabo #joebiden #politics #bigtech #google #biden
#AnthonyFauci's top advisor at the National Institutes of Health told his colleagues to use his personal Gmail when discussing the origins of the Covid virus to avoid FOIA requests. He also told his colleagues that he deleted the emails to avoid legal discovery.
This was a rage that led to action, not a performative "I'm going to post something on the internet" rage.
We need that kind of anger.
(gift link, no paywall)
DeSantis attack ad uses fake AI images of Trump embracing Fauci
#TheVerge #DeepfakeAttackAd #RonDeSantis #DonaldTrump #AnthonyFauci #AIManipulation #Politics #News
#theverge #deepfakeattackad #rondesantis #donaldtrump #anthonyfauci #aimanipulation #politics #news
Right-wing fans of #RFKJr, who hate #AnthonyFauci, are reviving decades-old lunacy about #HIV and #AIDS. My latest for 48 Hills: https://48hills.org/2023/05/now-the-anti-vaxxers-are-resurrecting-aids-denialist-lunacy/
#aids #hiv #anthonyfauci #rfkjr
Die Wissenschaftskonspiration – Wie angebliche Wissenschaftler die Öffentlichkeit getäuscht und belogen haben https://sciencefiles.org/2023/03/17/die-wissenschaftskonspiration-wie-angebliche-wissenschaftler-die-oeffentlichkeit-getaeuscht-und-belogen-haben/ #WuhanInstituteofVirology #FeindederWissenschaft #KristianAndersen #Corona-Virus #AnthonyFauci #JeremyFarrar #PeterDaszak #Korruption #SARS-COV-2 #COVID-19 #LabLeak #Lancet #WHO
#who #lancet #lableak #covid #sars #korruption #peterdaszak #jeremyfarrar #anthonyfauci #corona #kristianandersen #feindederwissenschaft #wuhaninstituteofvirology
Could officials such as #AnthonyFauci be charged with negligent homicide for his major role in the criminal conduct and mortality that resulted from his mandates?
Could officials such as #AnthonyFauci be charged with negligent homicide for his major role in the criminal conduct and mortality that resulted from his mandates?
Rep. #JimJordan says #AnthonyFauci prioritized #gainoffunctionresearch in #Wuhan
#wuhan #gainoffunctionresearch #anthonyfauci #jimjordan
My collection of #bobbleheads and #actionfigures #TimGunn #NancyPelosi #AnthonyFauci #Tupac #Picasso
#bobbleheads #actionfigures #timgunn #nancypelosi #anthonyfauci #tupac #picasso