[…] Di regola, non partecipo ai funerali. Trovo siano eventi orribili e traumatici ma, com’è ovvio, più invecchio e più ricevo inviti. Come favore ai miei amici farò in modo che a nessuno di loro venga comunicata la data del mio. […]
da Detective in cerca d’autore (2017, 2023 Rizzoli)
di Anthony Horowitz
Traduzione di Francesca Campisi
#rizzoli #anthonyhorowitz #francescacampisi
What did he do for a living? #BookQuiz #AnthonyHorowitz #bookstodon 🤔
#bookstodon #anthonyhorowitz #BookQuiz
@Rozzychan Sherlock Holmes...have you read the Mycroft Holmes and Sherlock series by #KareemAbdulJabbar? #AnthonyHorowitz did a good job with his Holmes books as well. I liked them all.📚
#kareemabduljabbar #anthonyhorowitz
Para aprender a diferenciar #novelanegra de #mysterycrimenovels no dejen de leer nuestra nueva publicación en el blog 😉
#books #anthonyhorowitz #magpiemurders #noesnoirtodoloque https://rakelshcinelibroscomic.blogspot.com/2023/01/un-escritor-brillante-y-una-edicion.html#more
#novelanegra #mysterycrimenovels #books #anthonyhorowitz #magpiemurders #noesnoirtodoloque
I was very excited today. Amazon had the fourth book in the Hawthorne and Horowitz series for a great price for Kindle. Can't wait as I just finished the third one! @bookstodon #anthonyhorowitz #hawthorneandhorowitz
#anthonyhorowitz #hawthorneandhorowitz
New Bloods (on BritBox) from #AnthonyHorowitz is an absolute delight. If you like his books, you’ll love this. #crime #thriller #mystery #MustWatch
#anthonyhorowitz #crime #thriller #mystery #mustwatch
Finally finished Paris by #edwardrutherfurd I give it a 4/5. Some parts dragged a bit. But I love the city and the book really took me into the history of Paris. Now onto something lighter both in theme and heft A Line to Kill by #anthonyhorowitz . I really love British murder mysteries. @bookstodon #murdermystery
#edwardrutherfurd #anthonyhorowitz #murdermystery
Sitting on our screened in porch, on New Year’s day, in sweats, reading the new Anthony Horowitz mystery. Unusual to be this warm in St. Louis, but certainly more common than it used to be. Starting 2023 off on a good note #AnthonyHorowitz #TheTwistOfAKnife #BooksofMastodon
#anthonyhorowitz #thetwistofaknife #BooksofMastodon
Christmas a little early this year #TheTwistOfAKnife #AnthonyHorowitz #Wayward #ChuckWendig #BooksofMastodon
#thetwistofaknife #anthonyhorowitz #wayward #chuckwendig #BooksofMastodon
Who Done it? Anyone like a good #mystery?
Who are your favorite #authors? A few of mine are #ruthware #lisajewell #anthonyhorowitz #mllongworth (bit lighter)
#novels #books #reading
#mystery #authors #RuthWare #lisajewell #anthonyhorowitz #mllongworth #novels #books #reading
Who Done it? Anyone like a good #mystery?
Who are your favorite #authors? A few of mine are #ruthware #lisajewell #anthonyhorowitz #mllongworth (bit lighter)
#novels #books #reading
#mystery #authors #RuthWare #lisajewell #anthonyhorowitz #mllongworth #novels #books #reading
When my boy reads a book, it is well read. Feel it may have gone through as much as the main character.
Just a shame it’s his sister’s book…and she treats hers well.
#Reading #AlexRider #AnthonyHorowitz #WellRead #HardLife #DogEared
#dogeared #hardlife #wellread #anthonyhorowitz #AlexRider #reading
Current read. The Twist of a Knife. By Anthony Horowitz #thetwistofaknife #anthonyhorowitz #currentlyreading #currentread #reading #amreading #nowreading #bookworm #booklover #booksaregood #librarybook #librariesareamazing #bookstodon @bookstodon
#bookstodon #librariesareamazing #librarybook #booksaregood #booklover #bookworm #nowreading #amreading #reading #currentread #currentlyreading #anthonyhorowitz #thetwistofaknife
I just discovered #AnthonyHorowitz. I love his mystery novels. Waiting for a copy of The House of Silk from the library.
Authors I like(not in any particular order):
#michaelconnelly #leechild #anthonyhorowitz #RobertHarris #LyndaLaPlante #SteveCavanagh #agathachristie #HarlanCoben #JoNesbo
Authors I read, nearly all crime related; #RJBarker #RJDark, #ChrisBrookmyre, #MarkBillingham, #BenAaronovitch, #AndrewCartmell, #LeeChild, #MichaelConnelly, #JohnConnolly, #JeffreyDeaver, #JasperFforde, #CarlHiaasen, #StuartMacBride, #CharlotKing, #ValMcDermid, #VaseemKhan, #AbirMukherjee, #WilburSmith, #SimonBeckett, #AhathaChristie, #SophieHannah, #AnthonyHorowitz and others.
#rjbarker #rjdark #chrisbrookmyre #markbillingham #benaaronovitch #andrewcartmell #leechild #michaelconnelly #johnconnolly #jeffreydeaver #jasperfforde #carlhiaasen #stuartmacbride #charlotking #valmcdermid #vaseemkhan #abirmukherjee #wilbursmith #simonbeckett #ahathachristie #sophiehannah #anthonyhorowitz