Watching the film "Breaking Boundaries" right now 😱 🎬
It's a well made summary of the "planetary boundaries" that define a world in which humans can flourish. There are several numerical thresholds, and too many of them have already been crossed. That means we are reaching tipping points, beyond which nobody can really predict that will happen — but obviously nothing good.
It's a netflix documentary, and I don't have netflix, so I'm late to the party. The film is from 2021. Apparently it has not shocked the world into action. No need to tell everybody to watch it then I guess. There's also a book for those who like to read.
#biodiversity #biodiversityloss #biodiversitycrisis #anthopocene #climate #water #planetaryboundary #planetaryboundaries #death #dying #famine #thirst #dangerzone #fertilizers #acidification #oceans #aerosols #pollutants
#biodiversity #biodiversityloss #biodiversitycrisis #anthopocene #climate #water #planetaryboundary #planetaryboundaries #death #dying #famine #thirst #dangerzone #fertilizers #acidification #oceans #aerosols #pollutants
@dajbelshaw I have no disagreement with the historical data that remains, without a bias or #whitewash that is!
Equally, I have no doubt that our modern & apparently "well structured, ordered society" is standing on the edge of a very large cliff...
The epoch of the #anthopocene is upon us & there is #noplanetb - but as another adversely identified individual was well known for saying, "be the change, you wish to see in the world."
#whitewash #anthopocene #noplanetb #waheguru #satnam #betheflow
radio contre-temps à temps avec une super itw apparemment de @XavCC : #radio #anthopocene
tout sur tout #ecologie #camp #anthopocene #art #activisme
#ecologie #camp #anthopocene #art #activisme