Three mockups from a very short fantasy piece I'm working on. Spark E. is told by an oracle that he will purge a magical land of a great evil. He calls the oracle out on a detail he says is too specific for an ostensibly Graeco-Roman-style prophecy, and a bystander will point out that this was a test that Spark E. passed.

#furryart #furry #anthrodog #anthrocow #anthroanimalart #cows #dogs #bordercollie #brahmacow

Last updated 1 year ago

Bebé, the Belgian Blue.

#furryart #anthrocow #cow #belgianblue

Last updated 2 years ago

of "Old Cow Crossing on City Street." Pretty proud of this so far, especially the texture of the pavement and sidewalk. Also the characters.

#wip #anthroanimalart #anthroart #anthrocow #anthrobordercollie #anthroopposum #anthromouse #anthrofox #anthrosheep #anthrowolf

Last updated 2 years ago