I'm totally envious of everyone who's enjoying #AnthroExpo this weekend. I'm crossing my paws that it starts a trend (like with the wave of retro '80s & '90s themed furcons) and I'll soon get a chance to relive the scene dream at a furry con near me!
#shetani #fursuit #fursuitfriday #anthroexpo
Mystery bags have been made for #AnthroExpo! Each contain 3 random stickers and one random trading cards size art print, each with their own unique wax seal!
I'm honestly really excited about #AnthroExpo this year! I'll be vending in the artist alley, I get to see friends I haven't in a longer time, I'm introducing a non-furry friend to the furry community for the first time (and he's excited), and things just look so positive for this year! The theme is amazing, the staff is amazing, the panels are amazing...
If any of you all are ever close to Oklahoma City, check out AnthroExpo! It's an amazing small convention worth every moment!
Just got pre-registered for #AnthroExpo and #TFF2023 so I'll definitely be going to both of those cons next year. Hoping some queen rooms either get freed up or added to the room block for TFF though... kinda frustrating that queen rooms are available every day of the con except for Friday night. :P
@blueotter Should get #AnthroExpo on furrycon.social if they're not already