I’m finally reading Turtles All the Way Down after falling in love with #JohnGreen’s #AnthropoceneReviewed podcast. I’m enjoying it thus far. Though I don’t have anxiety disorder, I do have a small serial phobia problem, and the book resonates a little with some experiences/feelings I’ve had.
#anthropocenereviewed #johngreen
I’m in search of some quirky, fun & informative #podcasts. Can you recommend some? My current #podcast rotation includes: #DearHankAndJohn, #SciShowTangents, #DarkPoutine, #TwentyThousandHertz, #MeditativeStory.
Used to include & enjoy (yet cancelled or faded): #AnthropoceneReviewed, #EveryLittleThing, #CuriousState.
#curiousstate #everylittlething #anthropocenereviewed #meditativestory #twentythousandhertz #darkpoutine #scishowtangents #dearhankandjohn #podcast #podcasts