Před 81 lety (27. 5. 1942) provedli českoslovenští výsadkáři #JozefGabčík a #JanKubiš provedli atentát na zastupujícího říšského protektora Reinharda Heydricha.
#jozefgabcik #jankubis #anthropoid
The #evolution and biological correlates of #hand #preferences in #anthropoid #primates
"Human right-handedness represents an unparalleled extreme among anthropoids and taxa displaying population-level handedness are rare. Species-level direction of manual #lateralization was largely uniform among non-human primates and did not strongly correlate with any of the selected biological predictors, nor with #phylogeny"
#phylogeny #lateralization #Laterality #handedness #openaccess #primates #anthropoid #preferences #hand #evolution