bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server

> No one is objective. Like the anthropologist David Graeber, I tend to think that if anyone tells you she or he is objective, that person is probably trying to sell you something.1 Still, I believe we can and must strive for objectivity, even if it’s an unattainable goal.
's mention of reminded me of another Awesome ,, decades ago I engjoy 's .

#IndianGivers #JackWeatherford #anthropoligist #davidgraeber #DavidVine

Last updated 2 years ago

Just yesterday we heard a great 20 minute interview with an author of (from the website) ‘Work: A History of How We Spend Our Time’. He discusses how work as we know it is really a modern concept that didn’t exist until recently, the global and how it forces people into unfulfilling work, why we may need to look to our past to rebuild and reshape our economies post-coronavirus, why the…(2/3)

#anthropoligist #JamesSuzman #capitalist #economy #huntergatherer

Last updated 4 years ago