Wonderful alternative to the #AI name that should effectively reduce #AIhype and the temptation to #anthropomorphize technology 🤖 #SALAMI 🥓
"Let’s forget the term AI. Let’s call them Systematic Approaches to Learning Algorithms and Machine Inferences (SALAMI)." ➡️ https://blog.quintarelli.it/2019/11/lets-forget-the-term-ai-lets-call-them-systematic-approaches-to-learning-algorithms-and-machine-inferences-salami/
#AI #aihype #anthropomorphize #salami
We know #MarsRovers are #robots, but they feel like friends, or pets. What makes us feel so attached to them? We tend to #anthropomorphize them—endow these inanimate robots with #human qualities—and experts say this can help the overall mission. https://www.businessinsider.com/why-we-treat-space-robots-like-humans-friends-pets-anthropomorphize-2023-1?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=webfeeds #Space
#marsrovers #robots #anthropomorphize #human #space
ART EVERY DAY NUMBER 903 / ILLUSTRATION / ANTHROPOMORPHIZE / Still want to eat those marshmallows? / Art & Illustration / Janet Bright / JJBright #anthropomorphize #anthropomorphic #marshmallows #hotchocolate #illustration #procreate
#anthropomorphize #anthropomorphic #marshmallows #hotchocolate #illustration #procreate