La nouvelle saison du Tangram à Évreux et Louviers est dévoilée. Présentation par la directrice, Valérie Baran, et le directeur délégué à la programmation, Julien Bourguignon.
lire notre présentation :
#LeTangram #presentationdesaison #saison20232024 #theatre #musique #danse #cirque #jeunepublic #anthroposcene
#letangram #presentationdesaison #saison20232024 #theatre #musique #danse #cirque #jeunepublic #anthroposcene
‘A wake-up call’: total weight of wild mammals less than 10% of humanity’s
From elephants to tigers, study reveals scale of damage to wildlife
#environmentalcrisis #anthroposcene #environment
First, these are my kind of people. I’ve been known to bend a syl-lable or two.
Second, they could have come to the A-Man for a little insider knowledge on this topic.
I have coined a few appropriate words for the #AnthropoScene
Whirlishite - When the shit is hitting the fan or an unexpected twister is afoot
Pahoe-Oi! When the ground is so hot it feels like lava
PlastiSurf - When the plastic gyre comes ashore
Just a few of the newly needed words.
Deep roots. We think of #conservation as a relatively young scientific enterprise - it didn’t have an organized professional society until the mid 1980s. But George Perkins Marsh wrote about the #anthroposcene in his 1864 book #man and #nature When he described humans as a “new geographical force.” Ray Dasmann, over 50 years ago, was talking about #socioecologicalsystems ”environmental conservation based on ecological knowledge and social understanding is required.” Know your #history !
#conservation #anthroposcene #man #history #nature #socioecologicalsystems