Relikto · @murielrelikto
56 followers · 188 posts · Server

C'est une nouvelle création de Simon Falguières. Il joue "Morphé" les 3 et 5 mai au théâtre Legendre à Évreux pendant Les .

Lisez l'article :

Des places sont à gagner !

#anthroposcenes #lek #simonfalguieres #letangram #theatre #lesanthroposcenes #festival #jeunepublic #culture #saison20222023

Last updated 1 year ago

AnthropoceneMan · @Anthro
591 followers · 961 posts · Server

On this
Another earthday birthday
I just want to say
Thank you Planet Earth

Your warm embrace
Though warmer days we face
Still a place of grace
Thank you Planet Earth

Though we push you to your limit
As if only a world we visit
Our effects you inhibit
Thank you Planet Earth

To say our ways are shortsighted
Leading to a world blighted
Our ways you’ve always abided
Thank you Planet Earth

Let us commit anew
To mend our relationship with you
To treat you with respect due
To make our footprints few

Thank you Planet Earth


#today #earthday #ClimateChange #ecology #oneplanet #earth #home #anthropocene #anthroposcenes

Last updated 2 years ago

AnthropoceneMan · @Anthro
587 followers · 954 posts · Server

Born on this day
Sixty years ago
At height of the space race
And the Astronaut hero

Rachel Carson then said
Our progress is toxic
Exxon, Esso, Shell and Arco
Knew they were melting the arctic

A New Morning in America
Was promised but not delivered
Trickle down economics
Assured progress was limited

A decade of stability
Followed the first Gulf War
Cold War tensions abated
A millennium at the fore

An existential threat
More perceived than real
A beginning of the forever war
A nation overreacts with zeal

A new hope arose
But less change than expected
Powerful forces pushed back
Progressive agenda rejected

A disaster we elected
Sowed chaos as his policy
Tested by pandemic
Disaster was his legacy

Alas we find ourselves
Divided, indecisive and numb
At a crucial planetary crossroad
On a planet ready to succumb

(but really tomorrow) Birthday

#today #earthday #ClimateChange #oneplanet #anthropocene #anthroposcenes

Last updated 2 years ago

AnthropoceneMan · @Anthro
422 followers · 1392 posts · Server

Piling Pulling Provision or P3

I, AnthropoceneMan, will be running on an Anti-Pollution Platform, and stumping for the removal of all creosote or arsenic treated pilings. If you plant a piling, you have to remove it when you are done. That’s just good hygiene…or pygiene in this case.

You may leave your bucket dredges. I’m not a zealot!

#coastal #pollution #anthropocene #anthroposcenes #pnw #oregoncoast #oregon

Last updated 2 years ago

AnthropoceneMan · @Anthro
391 followers · 1289 posts · Server

Like sand through an hourglass…

Found old set of slides of …and wondered the fate of The Breakers Condominiums in Neskowin, . In 1989, there was an erosional scarp at the base of the shallow foredunes that a set of condos had just been built upon…threat was high enough that a permit to construct a rip-rap shoreline control structure was obtained.

Forward 30+ years…and the buildings still stand, protected by a substantial revetment of rock. The system has likely needed to be repaired over the decades.

Interesting, little further building has been permitted north of this point…and threat of persists in this area with scant supply to the …and the foredune which much of the town is built upon is backed by a tidally influenced wetland which also traps .

The entire south end of the cell has now been hardened by rip-rap. The foredunes now gone, and habitat with it.

#fieldwork #oregon #erosion #sand #beach #sediment #littoral #anthroposcenes #pnw #slr #ClimateChange #coastal

Last updated 2 years ago

AnthropoceneMan · @Anthro
329 followers · 960 posts · Server

Flood, fire, wind and ice
Withstanding all thrown your way
Without complaint or avarice
Fulfilling nature’s promise
A crucial role to play

How much more can you bear
Will your limits be ever tested
Until the threshold draws near
And your destiny no longer clear
Will your tolerance be bested

By a climate turned hostile
No longer providing what you require
Let alone what you desire
As your resistance turns docile
And disaster fated transpires

#anthropocene #anthroposcenes #ClimateChange #badpoetry #trees #forest #ecology #pnw

Last updated 2 years ago

AnthropoceneMan · @Anthro
236 followers · 514 posts · Server

Knowing the damage it would do
Propaganda pushed their product
Carbon stored for millions of years
Used to fuel the needs of an addict

Made into goods we do not need
Spoiling land, water and air we breathe
To line a pocket, to fill an account
Of a company whose wealth they flaunt

If only they had been honest
If only we had not believed
Though in our hearts and minds
It is we who have deceived

#anthroposcenes #anthropocene #ClimateChange #corporategreed #pyrocene #bigoil #oiladdiction

Last updated 2 years ago

AnthropoceneMan · @Anthro
223 followers · 474 posts · Server

I want to carry the past on my shoulders

Not as a load to bear, slung out of necessity

But like a squealing toddler… hoisted to get a better view, a new perspective

I carry the past in my mind

Like a precious heirloom, fragile and easily lost…sometimes misplaced, sometimes stumbled upon

Knowing its relevance is fading, knowing its connections to the present and future grow tenuous…knowing that what is forgotten, is what has truly passed

#anthropocene #anthroposcenes #today #futurespassed

Last updated 2 years ago

AnthropoceneMan · @Anthro
190 followers · 403 posts · Server
AnthropoceneMan · @Anthro
114 followers · 200 posts · Server


Love the topic…


I remember when “capping” became the de facto environmental solution…in essence creating mini-landfills hidden throughout many (if not all) states. The long term responsibility for these caches of pollution lagged well beyond its regulatory utility in accomplishing “cleanup”.


Last updated 2 years ago

SE Bachinger · @sebachinger
2 followers · 6 posts · Server

| Images of an abused in a brownfield in Troy,NY. Under plastic sheets that create distopian lies the underlying formations of discarded iron slag & polluted soil from the remediation of an old industrial site situated on the banks of the . Upon taking these and questioning a member of the City Council about why these piles were there, within wind swept distance of backyards - they were gone several days later.

#anthroposcenes #landscape #terrains #hudsonriver #photographs #anthropocene #ecoart

Last updated 2 years ago