Richard Forrester - 🐦 Refugee · @RichForrest2
120 followers · 1904 posts · Server
The Left Independent · @Left_Indy
24 followers · 348 posts · Server

, , and sentiment continues to be the dominant ideology across all social media, and censors on , , , , and are in overdrive to ban all content that appears even remotely supportive or insufficiently critical of those countries targeted by the for overthrow.

You don't have to support these governments (or those persons who comprise them) in order to condemn the obvious campaign by the U.S. in its relentless drive to crush all opposition to its rule over the entire planet. Being on the left means recognizing that official narratives, regardless of origin, should be met with a healthy dose of skepticism. That is why it is imperative that there always be push-back against Western government/media spin. Without it, the only information we get is one-sided and more often than not at odds with reality. Uncritically believing the propaganda fed to us simply aids fascist officials in pressing their agenda.

#antiChina #antiiran #antirussia #twitter #facebook #tumblr #flickr #mastodon #usa #empire #propaganda

Last updated 2 years ago

DID YOU KNOW: Australia's are served by the same US Corporation that serves websites that breed content.

This is fine.

#banks #closedSilo #extremist #antiChina #understandingCloudflare #australia #auspol #christchurch #thisisfine #cloudflare

Last updated 3 years ago

Has the faded from memory a bit? Yes?


So now is the time to revive 's signature and production platform, /#8chan.

Renamed as .

Shouldn't take too long before the next . Thinking the next one will be rather than , but we haven't done any research – just a gut feeling.

#ChristchurchMassacre #cloudflare #extremist #nazi #4chan #8kun #terrorAttack #antiChina #antimuslim #onlineExtremism #filterbubbles #dotcons #china #islam

Last updated 4 years ago

The pandemic has really helped give many thinking people time to seek .

It's no surprise that we are using this time to so many , and simply trash. And to change our habits.

It hasn't stopped the from pouring garbage into though. I shudder to think what people are being forcefed on . The is now in vogue (geniune dissidents were lampooned by when was our lapdog).

#newknowledge #unlearn #lies #propaganda #propagandists #legacyNetworks #facebook #antiChina #rhetoric #intelligencia #china

Last updated 4 years ago

When it comes to reporting on , in were equally pathetic.

Its clear to us that the has been taken over by the . We are sure they must be very well paid to publish , and myopic social etiquette pieces, between messaging.

Maybe they are not well paid but hope to be recruited by the . If so they need to cover more .

#julianassange #ourABC #australia #australian #NationalBroadcaster #securitystate #recipes #migrationStories #racist #antiChina #MurdochEmpire #RoyalTrash

Last updated 5 years ago