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or lose it all!

Protests at the world's biggest factory are

Employees at the 's factory have been and in over contract disputes amid controls, according to employees and videos posted on social media Wednesday.



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#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #Apple #china #Supply_Chains #covid #lockdowns #sell #iphone #ESCALATING #world #biggest #beaten #detained #Protests #anti_virus #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

DavidV.TV Social ® · @DavidVTV
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or lose it all!

Protests at the world's biggest factory are

Employees at the 's factory have been and in over contract disputes amid controls, according to employees and videos posted on social media Wednesday.


Founder of
Founder of
Founder of

Disclaimer: DavidVTV.com

#hft #rtb #seo #anti_virus #protests #detained #beaten #biggest #world #ESCALATING #iphone #sell #lockdowns #COVID #Supply_chains #china #apple

Last updated 2 years ago