#AntiAgeing-Interventionen sind ein heißes Thema. Doch die Studienlage ist sehr zweifelhaft, findet Dan Ehninger vom @dzne. Mit den vorliegenden Erkenntnissen könne #Alterung jedenfalls nicht verlangsamt werden …
— Bettina Dupont sprach mit ihm: 👉 https://www.laborjournal.de/editorials/2687.php
#ScifiVsReality A longevity gene was discovered some time ago. This gene has been inserted into mice and rejuvenated by 10 human years. Perhaps the first real anti-ageing. #AntiAgeing #WellAging #Scifi https://bit.ly/3YGhq6E
#scifivsreality #antiageing #wellaging #scifi
Amazing – a French nun at the age of 116 caught Covid-19, had no idea, and survived.
Sadly, this week she passed away at the age of 118. Despite Sister André being harder than any centenarian we know, it seems our human lifespan has a hard stop at about 120 years.
Time to classify #AgeingAsADisease and invest in (proper) anti-aging research, technology and treatment. Read about our policy here: https://www.fusionparty.org.au/aging_as_a_disease
It's time for humanity to strive for more than Oil of Olay, OK...
#ageingasadisease #futurefocused #antiageing #antiaging
Fascinating from Semafor:
Source: https://www.semafor.com/newsletter/01/16/2023/a-good-day-for-lab-mice
#science #lifeextension #research #antiageing #antiaging
Hungary for ageless skin: Ilona Beauty débuts the serum of the century #beauty #skincare #antiageing