"Whenever I read the article of a so-called #antiwoke person, I pick up on the overwhelmingly negative, mean-spirited, and yes, anti-Black energy coming from the writer. This is not surprising, given that the term “anti-woke” – for the most part – is simply a cover for anti-Blackness." https://vocal.media/theSwamp/anti-woke-the-new-code-for-anti-blackness
#antiracism #antiracist #racialjustice #socialjustice
#woke #staywoke #antiantiracism #antiantiracist
#antiwoke #antiracism #antiracist #racialjustice #socialjustice #woke #staywoke #antiantiracism #antiantiracist #blackmastodon
Columbia University professor John McWhorter is an anti-racial justice author whose work is eagerly lapped up by his racist fanbase. In his book, #WokeRacism, he unleashes a 224-page rant against what he perceives as the evils of #antiracism.
#racialjustice #racialequity #socialjustice #antiwoke #antiwokeism #antiantiracism #johnmcwhorter #racism
#wokeracism #antiracism #racialjustice #racialequity #socialjustice #antiwoke #antiwokeism #antiantiracism #johnmcwhorter #racism
Those who describe themselves as “anti-woke” tend to couch their distaste for “wokeness” in terms of a general dislike of left-wing causes; but make no mistake, the anti-woke brigade’s primary obsession is an aversion to racial justice.
The article can be read here:
#antiwoke #antiracism #antiracist #antiblack #antiblackness #antiblackracism #racism #racialjustice #backlash #woke #snowflake #socialjusticewarrior #antiantiracism
#antiwoke #antiracism #antiracist #antiblack #antiblackness #antiblackracism #racism #racialjustice #backlash #woke #snowflake #socialjusticewarrior #antiantiracism