The people whose ancestors, for centuries, have specialized in DISPLACEMENT are worried about “replacement.”
That’s rich.
In fact, it’s hilarious.
“Replacement theory.”
Get th’ fugoutta here.
#ReplacementTheory #MAGA #WhiteNationalism #SlaveTrade #HumanTrafficking #IndianRemoval #TrailOfTears #ManifestDestiny #Islamophobia #antiSemitism #antiAsian #antiImmigration #reservations #slavery #genocide #segregation #racism #bigotry #paranoia
#paranoia #bigotry #Racism #segregation #genocide #slavery #Reservations #antiimmigration #antiasian #antisemitism #islamophobia #manifestdestiny #trailoftears #indianremoval #humantrafficking #slaveTrade #whitenationalism #MAGA #ReplacementTheory
Kwan, a longtime #activist who has been #warning the #FederalGovernment for the better part of two decades about #ChineseGovernment #interference , both through his testimony to the parliamentary #ForeignAffairs committee & as a contributor to several reports, says #Ottawa needs to be careful the process doesn't cause #backlash against the #ChineseCommunity .
#AsianMastodon #CanPoli #AntiAsian #Racism #Chinese #Asian #Canada #Canadian #diaspora #AntiRacism
#activist #warning #federalgovernment #chinesegovernment #interference #foreignaffairs #ottawa #backlash #chinesecommunity #asianmastodon #canpoli #antiasian #racism #chinese #asian #canada #canadian #diaspora #antiracism
Some #ChineseCanadians say they faced certain #barriers when it came to #SpeakingUp about #AntiAsian #racism , a new #report finds.
The joint effort between #FactorInwentash #FacultyOfSocialWork at #UniversityOfToronto & #ChineseCanadianNationalCouncil #Toronto Chapter sought to highlight the #FirstHand experiences of #Toronto 's #Asian communities before & during the #COVID19 #pandemic .
#chinesecanadians #barriers #speakingup #antiasian #racism #report #factorinwentash #facultyofsocialwork #universityoftoronto #chinesecanadiannationalcouncil #toronto #firsthand #asian #COVID19 #pandemic #asianmastodon #chinese #canada #ontario
#AdamSchiff tweets:
We shouldn’t have to debate condemning antisemitism. But evidently, we do.
I introduced an amendment to ensure House Judiciary Dems conducts oversight of violent extremism, antisemitism, and anti-Asian hate.
#Republicans voted no.
Opposition as inexplicable as it was inexcusable.
#Antisemitism #AntiAsian #Hate
#adamschiff #republicans #antisemitism #antiasian #hate
#Purdue Northwest #Chancellor Thomas L. Keon needs to step down or be removed for his #antiAsian "joke". No excuse or rehabilitation will 'fix it.' Period.
#purdue #chancellor #antiasian