I think something we need to periodically remind ourselves of, as activists for , , , , , and otherwise ideas is that we all share the single most important difference with the movement: we are all against , , , and .

While we have our disagreements, that alone should be enough for against the looming threat: when wins, EVERYONE loses.

#fascism #solidarity #genocide #authoritarianism #dictatorship #oppression #neonazi #antiauthoritarian #libertarian #anticapitalist #civilrights #democracy #anarchism

Last updated 1 year ago

Czarna Rewolta · @czarnarewolta
94 followers · 353 posts · Server kolektiva.social
steve dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
346 followers · 11285 posts · Server masto.ai

First Look At Female POC ‘Robyn Hood’: Takes On Rich Blond White Dude

Follows fearless Robyn Loxley and masked hip-hop band, The Hood, as they call out and fight for .

#woke #heroine #antiauthoritarian #injustices #freedom

Last updated 1 year ago

Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
2090 followers · 3388 posts · Server todon.eu

Ein spannendes Interview mit dem antiautoritären Kommunisten Henri Simon, der mit seinen über 100 Jahren auf ein bewegtes Leben zurückblickt. Dabei spielten unter anderem der Pariser Mai 1968 und spätere Kämpfe gegen und sowie Bewegungen an der Seite von Anarchist*innen eine große Rolle.



#arbeit #autoritat #antiauthoritarian #anarchismus #geschichte #france #ultragauche #luttes #history

Last updated 1 year ago

David S. D’Amato · @dsdamato
102 followers · 303 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Earthling of the Rhine · @amikigu
260 followers · 459 posts · Server ni.hil.ist

I have such a hard time sticking to learning only a couple of languages at a time, since they're all so beautiful. I recently committed to learning Mandarin, but I just found this super-hand-made Mingo language site that makes Mingo look like where all the cool kids are hanging out. Here's part of their guide for Surviving in School:

"6) Remember to say good-bye before leaving. White people consider good-byes very important. You can get points by smiling and shaking hands all around. Useful expressions:

Ëkôkë' ne ëyúhë't.
See you tomorrow.

Drop dead.

7) Do something to make school more interesting, like set off the fire alarm or hot-wire the urinals.

Hë'ë, te'sôká' nae te'khékê. Ne' ne kanöktakwékö ke'skwa' kanöhsa'a.
No, sir, I didn't see anyone. I was in the toilet stall the whole time."


#mingo #languagelearning #antiauthoritarian

Last updated 1 year ago

David S. D’Amato · @dsdamato
99 followers · 279 posts · Server kolektiva.social

“So radicalism is discontentment with things as they are. Upon opening her mind, the radical perceives that something is amiss, and she finds herself unsatisfied with the existing state of affairs.”


#radicalism #radicalhistory #radicalthought #leftlibertarian #anarchism #antiauthoritarian

Last updated 1 year ago

David S. D’Amato · @dsdamato
84 followers · 232 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Nando161 · @nando161
718 followers · 32415 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Utan Kung · @Utankung
63 followers · 309 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Since before 2015 i have had this dream of starting a type of anarchist academy in stockholm. A school. A learner hub. A permanent place where people can find anarchism for the first time, or engage in deeper level analysis. A place where radical and anti-authoritarian pedagogy is explored and nurtured.

Over the last 6 months these ideas have once again become increasingly intrusive and I believe that this might actually be something I want to spend time and energy doing.

The first and foremost problem is that of finding those who want to be part of the pedagogic crew, the ones who would be the "teachers" but not in the traditional sense, rather the ones who can help participants create courses, lectures and structure learning. The second question is all about how other peoples projects along similar lines have gone, and what the main taleaways from those projects could be.

So, I guess this is a first attempt at asking for help. Are u an anarchist teacher? How would you do this? What are the things you see as possible downfalls? Have you already done this, and in that case where do I find your stuff?

#education #Anarchist #freeskool #anarchistacademy #guidedautodidacy #stockholm #liberatoryeducation #Revolutionary #revolutionarypedagogy #anarchisteducation #antiauthoritarianteachers #antiauthoritarian

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
628 followers · 30603 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Mx. Luna Corbden · @corbden
739 followers · 6453 posts · Server defcon.social

So, in context of having seen the docuseries about Christian Nationalist group , connecting that to Montana banning TikTok (a source of a lot of recovery communities and criticism of toxic Christianity, and the seed for that documentary), and Elon’s destruction of Twitter, then I’m looking over at happening to Reddit, which presently hosts the largest exmormon community online, (275,000 members, 1100 online right now), and these dots are starting to form a picture.

I’m not sure the Reddit thing is about money or IPO. It seems like part of a coordinated effort across the Internet to shut down anti-authoritarian movements.

Is anybody else talking about this?

#shinyhappypeople #iblp #exmo #exmormon #exvangelical #antifa #antiauthoritarian

Last updated 1 year ago

Identiteettisurffari · @singularity
138 followers · 384 posts · Server eliitin-some.fi

is when you have to explain to a fellow how NPR, as much as it might have shilled for US conflicts in the past, is a completely insignificant actor compared to RT, who have been a major global asset in hybrid warfare.

#american #exceptionalism #antiauthoritarian #russian

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
531 followers · 22801 posts · Server kolektiva.social

"Jakie są zasady gry?
(English below)

Nasze media to nie internetowe kółko debatowe ani platforma dla wszelkiego rodzaju idiotów do głoszenia swoich poglądów.
Być może niektórzy zastanawiają się , dlaczego usuwamy niektóre komentarze i blokujemy niektóre osoby z naszych mediów. Sprawa jest prosta. Nasze profile służą do informowania o ważnych dla nas sprawach, toczących się walkach społecznych, przedstawianiu ciekawych analiz z pozycji anarchistycznych (choć nie tylko) i przypominaniu zapomnianych historii ruchu antyfaszystowskiego i antyautorytarnego.
Zdecydowanie NIE jest to miejsce dla wszelkiego rodzaju prawicowych czy skrajnie prawicowych pajaców. Macie swoje własne strony i grupy, gdzie możecie dzielić się swoimi „mądrościami” z dupy. Ani nas one nie interesują, ani nie zamierzamy dawać wam za darmo miejsca do szerzenia swoich głupot.
Zdecydowanie NIE jest to też miejsce dla różnego rodzaju idiotów z lewicy autorytarnej. Mamy dość wszelkiego rodzaju zachodnich „specjalistów” od spraw Europy Wschodniej, powielających kremlowską propagandę i operujących dwubiegunowym modelem świata (Ameryka- źle , wszystko co przeciwko Ameryce-dobrze). Nie mamy zamiaru udostępniać miejsca na wywody jakiś hiszpańskich komunistycznych kretynów czy amerykańskich dzieci z sierpami i młotami na swoich profilach. Wasze poglądy to trucizna, nie stoimy po tej samej stronie i nigdy nie będziemy stali. Nie spotka was tutaj żadne zrozumienie, nie będziemy marnować czasu na jałowe debaty z politycznymi płaskoziemcami. Nie zapraszamy do dyskusji.

Our social are not an , nor they are a for all sorts of idiots to spread their .
Maybe some of you wondered why we delete some comments and ban some people from our media. Its very simple. Our profiles are here to inform about things important to us, about , to present interesting analysis from (and not only) positions and to forgotten of and movement.
It is definitely NOT a place for all sorts of right wing and far right clowns. You have your own pages and , where you can share your „wisdom” pulled out of your ass. We are neither interested, nor we are planning on giving you space to share them for free.
It is also definitely NOT a place for all sorts of authoritarian left idiots. We are fed up with all sorts of Western „specialists” of Eastern Europe, sharing Kremlin's propaganda and operating in two dimensional world (America-bad, everything against America-good). We are not planning on giving space to some Spanish communist idiots or American kids with hammers and sickles in their profiles. Your ideas are a poison, we are not on the same side and we will never be. You will not find any understanding here, we will not waste time on futile debates with political flat earthers. We do not invite you to the discussion."

👉 161crew.bzzz.net

:antifa_100: :af: :anarchoheart3: :ironfront: :solidarity: :squat: :txt_eff_the_cops: :acab2: :acab: :tankies:

#media #internet #debating #club #platform #ideas #social #struggles #Anarchist #remind #Histories #antifascist #antiauthoritarian #groups

Last updated 1 year ago

Zafe the Faun · @son_of_the_paladin
648 followers · 23658 posts · Server baraag.net
Nando161 · @nando161
476 followers · 19412 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Andrew Kravchuk · @awkravchuk
14 followers · 24 posts · Server functional.cafe

Hey, time! I'm Andrew Kravchuk (pronounced "KRAHV-chook"), and I'm thrilled to make my first official post on Mastodon. I've been lurking here for quite some time now, and I have to say, I absolutely love it. It's like the blue bird site, but here I feel like I'm in the warm, weird (in a good way) company of like-minded individuals.

I'm a proud and by trade, currently teaching programming in and . However, my true passion lies in the family of languages. For the past three years, I've been working on a hobby project, which is an action RPG similar to Diablo 2 in . Needless to say, I use (but with evil-mode, since I don't have forty alien fingers 😅). Also I'm a proud Microsoft hater and lover.

Born in , I fled to after the war. I'm passionate about being -ruscist and generally . Also, I happen to be an and an .

I'm a big fan of , and I believe that is the best dramatic piece of the 20th century. I enjoy reading , and I dream of writing someday.

I'm excited to join Mastodon and look forward to making friends 😊

P.S. This post may or may not have been written with the aid of LLM.

#introduction #tech #geek #programmer #c #python #lisp #gamedev #commonlisp #emacs #unix #russia #montenegro #anti #antiauthoritarian #atheist #introvert #anime #evangelion #books #fiction

Last updated 1 year ago

desperado · @desperado
0 followers · 1 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Hello all!

I wanted to create a separate "anarchist" mastodon profile separate from my public writer profile because the times are sketchy, and I'm pretty sure nobody at my last job is allowed to talk to me anymore because I low key tried to organize my workplace into a mutual and failed miserably (and honestly I was super sloppy, egotistical, and toxic, so I earned that).

So now I want to humble myself and learn from those who've been in the fight for a while.

I realized I was all action without taking the time to work out my issues. I look forward to being a student among comrades.

Also my state is dry humping the march to the fash even harder than normal so I feel obligated to connect more with the community because I don't want my child to live this world and believe that all you can do is accept it and move on.

I want my child to always see me strive for what's right.

#Kolektiva #antifa #antiauthoritarian #bellaciao #nopasaran

Last updated 1 year ago

Loukas Christodoulou · @Loukas
1713 followers · 6513 posts · Server mastodon.nu

HORYVA has just developed stoves for the forces.

You can help fund one via these links. Each costs about 180 euros. Cheaper than buying from China, says Solidarity Collective. @solidaritycollectives

Monobank: 4441 1144 6087 5733
PayPal (labeled as stoves): humanitarian.aid.for.ukraine@proton.me

#russianinvasiom #antiauthoritarian #Ukraine #coop

Last updated 1 year ago

PapiCreative · @papicreative
5 followers · 54 posts · Server newsie.social

Sometimes I fear , but nowadays after having endured endless suffering at the hands of capitalisms grinding gears of death, I rather welcome it. deserves it.

#collapse #capitalism #antiauthoritarian #capitalismistheft

Last updated 1 year ago