Doesn't it go without saying that we should be paying more attention to the marginalized, victimized, stigmatized, racialized, silenced, erased, appropriated and oppressed if we hope to understand their experiences, before the “allies” trying to fix them?
I'm looking at you, fellow middle-aged white men.
#Equity #Equality #SocialJustice #antifa #antiracism #antibigotry
#equity #equality #SocialJustice #antifa #AntiRacism #antibigotry
It's every citizen's duty to pay for all the deeds done by white men.
#blm #antitrump #antibigotry #antifa #antifascist #antiracist #leftist #progressive #polyamory #dearwhitepeople #hwndu #culturalstudies #antipatriarchy #anticapitalist #noborders
#blm #antitrump #antibigotry #antifa #antifascist #antiracist #leftist #progressive #polyamory #dearwhitepeople #hwndu #culturalstudies #antipatriarchy #anticapitalist #noborders
It's every citizen's duty to pay for all the deeds done by white men.
#blm #antitrump #antibigotry #antifa #antifascist #antiracist #leftist #progressive #polyamory #dearwhitepeople #hwndu
#blm #antitrump #antibigotry #antifa #antifascist #antiracist #leftist #progressive #polyamory #dearwhitepeople #hwndu
It's every citizen's duty to pay for all the deeds done by white men.
#blm #antitrump #antibigotry #antifa #antifascist #antiracist #leftist #progressive #polyamory #dearwhitepeople
#blm #antitrump #antibigotry #antifa #antifascist #antiracist #leftist #progressive #polyamory #dearwhitepeople
It's every citizen's duty to pay for all the deeds done by white men.
#blm #antitrump #antibigotry #antifa #antifascist #antiracist
#blm #antitrump #antibigotry #antifa #antifascist #antiracist
It's every citizen's duty to pay for all the deeds done by white men.
#blm #antitrump #antibigotry #antifa #antifascist
#blm #antitrump #antibigotry #antifa #antifascist
#educator I work with students with severe to moderate disability in a high school sped program
#nerd i like tech stuff, anime stuff, scifi stuff, etc
#liberal pretty left of center
#antibigotry bigotry is one of the things that will completely set me off.
#Satanist , i don't believe in a literal Satan, but more in the vein of modern Satanism. Satanic temple is example of this
I'm pretty lay back unless it comes to people's rights or bigots then I get kinda pissy
#introduction #educator #nerd #liberal #antibigotry #satanist
#educator I work with students with severe to moderate disability in a high school sped program
#nerd i like tech stuff, anime stuff, scifi stuff, etc
#liberal pretty left of center
#antibigotry bigotry is one of the things that will completely set me off.
#Satanist , i don't believe in a literal Satan, but more in the vein of modern Satanism. Satanic temple is example of this
I'm pretty lay back unless it comes to people's rights or bigots then I get kinda pissy
#educator #nerd #liberal #antibigotry #satanist
I rant about #UKPolitics and bigoted arses a bit (I'm #antiracism #antihomophobia #antitransphobia #antibigotry #antifascism #antiTory #antiarseholes) but I'll try to put any of that behind appropriate content warnings.
#ukpolitics #antiracism #antihomophobia #antitransphobia #antibigotry #antifascism #antiTory #antiarseholes