By now it seems clear that a whole range of people who hate him or how he wields his power, are coming out and taking this opportunity to topple him. Including, potentially, #jennihermoso
Seems like lots in common between #futbolfemenino for Spain and #womensfootball for England, in terms of having to tolerate and work with #patriarchy and #misogyny. Same #InstitutionalViolence that #enialuko #aluko suffered from her coach, her #FA but also her teammates who did wild #antiBlackness
#jennihermoso #futbolfemenino #womensfootball #patriarchy #misogyny #institutionalviolence #enialuko #aluko #fa #antiblackness
Fantastic piece by fellow writer, Priti Nemani. #Mustread #antiblackness #racism
#mustread #antiblackness #racism
Y'all haters kill me with that illuminati mess... | Signified B Sides
#BlackQAnon, #ConspiracyTheories, #antiBlackness, #InternalizedRacism
#blackqanon #conspiracytheories #antiblackness #internalizedracism
Let's talk about some ways anti-Blackness manifests in Canada, shall we? 1/🧵
👀 ◾️ 👀 ◾️ 👀 ◾️👀
Yesterday's legal observer (LO) assignment was at the Parents of Black Children press conference in response to the deluge of anti-anti-racist statements and pushes in the wake of the suicide of #RichardBilkszto (click the hashtag for more/older info).
The coverage from the conference includes:
A coalition of Black community organizations is calling on the province to reaffirm its commitment to anti-racism training in education and publicly denounce “attempts to undermine or halt these efforts” in the wake of the suicide of a former principal who claimed he was bullied during an anti-racism training session two years ago.
“There is an active campaign to villainize and undermine anti-racism work in this province,” said Idris Orughu, one of the speakers at Wednesday’s event at Queen’s Park, organized by more than a dozen Black community groups from across the GTA.
(or https://archive.is/hB638 archived Toronto Star article in case a paywall goes up);
Context from a CTV News piece:
Richard Bilkszto, who worked on contract with the TDSB after his retirement in 2019, filed a lawsuit against the board in April, claiming that an anti-racism training session in 2021 and its aftermath destroyed his reputation.
Bilkszto claimed supervisors did not intervene and later retaliated against him when trainer Kike Ojo-Thompson allegedly implied he was racist and humiliated him in front of colleagues after he disagreed that Canada was more racist than the U.S.
A lawyer for Bilkszto said her client died by suicide in July.
"It is clear to us, that his death has been used as a rallying point for right-wing opponents to dismantle the necessary and imperative anti-racism work," community leader Idris Orughu said outside the legislature Wednesday.
Orughu called any attempts to link death to anti-racism education are "immoral and unethical".
None of the allegations in Bilkszto's suit have been proven in court.
The TDSB has hired a third party investigator to look into the circumstances around Bilkszto's death.
❞ https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/anti-racism-diversity-training-under-threat-say-black-community-leaders-at-queen-s-park-rally-1.6504500 (or https://archive.is/OYOfc of it doesn't work)
#AntiBlacknessIsGlobal #antiBlackness #DEI #CRT #WhiteFragility #WhitePrivilege #CanadaIsNotImmune #Racism #canPoli #topoli #CarymaNgo
#richardbilkszto #AntiBlacknessIsGlobal #antiblackness #dei #crt #whitefragility #whiteprivilege #canadaisnotimmune #racism #canpoli #topoli #carymango
Cops nicking a Black woman over a bus fare is misogynoir in action https://www.thecanary.co/opinion/2023/07/24/bus-fare-croydon-black-woman/ #BLM #BLMUK #AntiBlackness #Racism #METPolice #PoliceRacism #UKPolice #Misogynoir #Misogyny
#blm #blmuk #antiblackness #racism #metpolice #policeracism #ukpolice #misogynoir #misogyny
To the white folks upset at Black people for not flocking to mastodon:
I would suggest that instead of blaming Black people for 'choosing the wrong platform', maybe we ask ourselves how bad is the antiblackness here that Black folks feel safer under Mark/Jack/Elon.
Have you considered that you and your instances contribute to that? What are you doing to combat antiblackness here? Something to think about.
How #Hegel’s Deliberate Ignorance of #AfricanHistory Legitimated the Colonisation of Africa
#hegel #Africanhistory #Asante #asanteman #historiography #antiblackness
Timely, important, well argued, and meticulously researched.
#books #ChristianSupremacy #WhiteSupremacy #antisemitism #AntiBlackness #Racism
#books #christiansupremacy #whitesupremacy #antisemitism #antiblackness #racism
The ignored #racism #colorism & #antiblackness in #Africa is disgusting 🤮 #Egypt #Ghana #GatewayToAfrica y’all both lying 🤥 https://vocal.media/wander/egypt-and-ghana-both-claim-gateway-to-africa-nickname-both-practice-colorism-racism-and-anti-blackness
#racism #colorism #antiblackness #Africa #egypt #Ghana #gatewaytoafrica
Whelp they’re on they’re racist SHIT once again. Brothers & Sisters you’re aren’t white people, get over yourselves!!
#Egypt #EgyptNews #RacismInAfrica #Africa #AntiBlackness #Colorists #Liars #Colorism #History #Geography #AfricanUnion #Race #Racism #Archaeology #Dutch #Cleopatra #Netflix #netflixseries #NetflixCleopatra #Afrocentric #BlackWashing #BlackMastodon
#egypt #egyptnews #racisminafrica #Africa #antiblackness #colorists #liars #colorism #history #geography #AfricanUnion #race #racism #archaeology #dutch #cleopatra #netflix #netflixseries #netflixcleopatra #afrocentric #blackwashing #blackmastodon
This asshole claims he is afraid of me, a 5'4", 55 year old *Black* woman.
Why does it feel like when 🐖cops🐖 claim to be ❝afraid for their lives❞?
This video shows a fraction of what I have been dealing with for the past year+. I have been stalked at actions. I have been stalked at jail support. I have been stalked by him for just walking down the street.
He is a fucking creeper and a bully and he LOVES to target women.
He got kneed in the balls for backing me INTO THE STREET. With traffic passing.
And he wants to pretend he's AFRAID OF ME? AYFKM? Right. I have waaayyyyy more footage than this of the violent, misogynistic, fash-friendly piece of shit.
#CreepySpouseInDaHouse #NadsMcKneely #CarymaNgo #harassment #stalking #AntiBlackness #Blackstodon
#creepyspouseindahouse #nadsmckneely #carymango #harassment #stalking #antiblackness #blackstodon
Sounds Like Her - Gender, Sound Art and Sonic Cultures by Christine Eyene; Cathy Lane; Salomé Voegelin
#AinBailey, #SoniaBoyce, #ChristineSunKim, #ElsaMbala, #MadeleineMbida, #LindaOKeeffe, #MagdaStawarskaBeavan, #soundart, #Africanartists, #Africanart, #Africansoundart, #genderinart, #eurocentrism, #antiblackness, #artandcolonialism, #artandimperialism, #artofCameroon, #artofKamerun
Curator Christine Eyene challenges the Eurocentric and patriarchal frameworks that have informed the history of sound art and continue to define current practice.
Sounds Like Her is a challenge to the restrictive social construct of "female voices". The book re-frames how we experience the dynamic of sound as practiced by women from diverse cultures and gender identities.
#ainbailey #soniaboyce #christinesunkim #elsambala #madeleinembida #lindaokeeffe #magdastawarskabeavan #soundart #africanartists #africanart #africansoundart #genderinart #eurocentrism #antiblackness #artandcolonialism #artandimperialism #artofcameroon #artofkamerun
Equatorial Guinea - the forgotten dictatorship : Forced labour and political murder in Central Africa by Suzanne Cronjé
#EquatorialGuinea, #GuineaEcuatorial, #Guinea, #dictatorship, #neocolonialism, #Africanpolitics, #politicsofAfrica, #CentralAfrica, #Nguemism, #Nguemismo, #FranciscoMacíasNguema, #MasieNguemaBiyogoÑegueNdong, #politicalrepression, #refugees, #diaspora, #exiles, #imperialism, #antiblackness
Research Report No 2
Anti-Slavery Society
#equatorialguinea #guineaecuatorial #guinea #dictatorship #neocolonialism #AfricanPolitics #politicsofAfrica #centralafrica #nguemism #nguemismo #franciscomaciasnguema #masienguemabiyogoneguendong #politicalrepression #refugees #diaspora #exiles #imperialism #antiblackness
The 1850 Census of Georgia Slave Owners by Jack F. Cox
#georgia, #stateofgeorgia, #slaveowners, #slaveowners, #slaveholders, #slavemasters, #blackchattelslavery, #enslavement, #antiblackness, #antebellumsouth, #antebellumperiod, #census, #uscensus, #1850census, #demographics, #demography, #unitedstatesofamerika, #uscapitalism, #colonialism
typed transcription of handwritten original census records taken by the u.s. government.
#georgia #stateofgeorgia #slaveowners #slaveholders #slavemasters #blackchattelslavery #enslavement #antiblackness #antebellumsouth #antebellumperiod #census #uscensus #1850census #demographics #demography #unitedstatesofamerika #uscapitalism #colonialism
@RageAgainstTheMafiaState @SpaceyDacey
I don't know how many times I have to say it:
◽️ ⬜️ ◽️ ⬜️ ◽️ ⬜️ ◽️
You don't have to BE white to uphold white supremacy.
◽️ ⬜️ ◽️ ⬜️ ◽️ ⬜️ ◽️
#AntiBlackness #AntiIndigenous #AntiAsianHate #AntiImmigrant
#antiblackness #antiindigenous #AntiAsianHate #antiimmigrant
Reclaiming Afrikan: queer perspectives on sexual and gender identities by Zethu Matebeni; E Frances White; Milumbe Haimbe; Tyna Adebowale; Jabulani Chen Pereira; Kelebogile Ntladi; Jack Halberstam; Unoma Azuah; Jacqueline Marx; Dineo Seshee Bopape; Christopher Ouma; Mphati Mutloane; Neo Sinoxolo Musangi; Kylie Thomas; Stella Nyanzi; Selogadi Mampane; Sibusiso Kheswa; Iranti-Org
#visualart, #photography, #performanceart, #genderinAfrica, #queernessinAfrica, #Africanart, #Afrikanart, #southernAfricanart, #eastAfricanart, #Nigerianart, #queerart, #queerness, #queertheory, #LGBTQIA, #antiblackness, #gendernonconformity, #gendervariance
Reclaiming Afrikan: queer perspectives on sexual and gender identities is a collaboration and collection of art, photography and critical essays interrogating the meanings and everyday practices of queer life in Africa today. In Reclaiming Afrikan authors, activists and artists from Nigeria, Uganda, Zambia, Kenya and South Africa offer fresh perspectives on queer life; how gender and sexuality can be understood in Africa as ways of reclaiming identities in the continent.
#visualart #photography #performanceart #genderinafrica #queernessinafrica #africanart #afrikanart #southernafricanart #eastafricanart #nigerianart #queerart #queerness #queertheory #lgbtqia #antiblackness #gendernonconformity #gendervariance
In Graves Unmarked: Slavery and Abolition in Stoneham, Massachusetts by Ben Jacques
#blackchattelslavery, #slavey, #abolition, #antiblackness, #massachusetts, #stoneham, #charlestown, #unitedstatesofamerika, #colonialism, #britishcolonialism, #britishempire, #slavemasters, #slaveowners, #enslavedpeople, #enslavedAfricans, #slavelabor, #slavercolonialism, #invadercolonialism
“In winter the bare trees are black against the snow and sky in the Old Burying Ground on Pleasant Street. Like frosting, snow decorates the gravestones of our town’s early families. The Bryants, the Bucknams, the Gerrys, the Greens, the Goulds, the Hays—our founders.
But beyond the cluster of 18th and 19th century stones, there are bare spots where no markers disturb the gentle slope of the earth. Here those with no status in colonial Stoneham lie in unmarked graves. Here are buried the town’s slaves.”
So begins the untold story of slavery and abolition in a town of farmers and shoemakers just north of Boston. Once part of Charlestown, the village was incorporated in 1725 as Stoneham, Massachusetts.
#blackchattelslavery #slavey #abolition #antiblackness #massachusetts #stoneham #charlestown #unitedstatesofamerika #colonialism #britishcolonialism #britishempire #slavemasters #slaveowners #enslavedpeople #enslavedafricans #SlaveLabor #slavercolonialism #invadercolonialism
#DémantelerLaSuprématieBlanche #Racisme #DismantleWhiteSupremacy #AntiNoiceur #CareNotCops #Settlercolonialism #Colonialism #AntiBlackness #AbolitionNow #GlobalAbolition #AbolitionNotReform toward an #Abolitionnist futures and approaches where we all have what we need to thrive.
#demantelerlasuprematieblanche #racisme #dismantlewhitesupremacy #antinoiceur #CareNotCops #settlercolonialism #colonialism #antiblackness #abolitionnow #globalabolition #AbolitionNotReform #abolitionnist
It’s time to stop 🛑 ignoring it and constantly blaming the #colonizer & #colonialism it’s getting exhausting at this point.
#Africa #RacisminAfrica #Africans #Arabs #Lebanese #Indian #European #BlackAmerica #Colorism #Colorist #AntiBlackness #Xenophobia #AntiblackRacism #Race #China, #India #asian #NorthAfrica, #WestAfrica #SouthAfrica #SouthernAfrica #EastAfrica https://vocal.media/wander/africa-has-a-race-and-anti-blackness-problem-from-north-to-sub-saharan-to-the-southern-coast
#colonizer #colonialism #Africa #racisminafrica #africans #arabs #lebanese #indian #european #blackamerica #colorism #colorist #antiblackness #xenophobia #antiblackracism #race #China #india #asian #northafrica #WestAfrica #southafrica #southernafrica #EastAfrica